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Only blacks can play the race card, apparently; only they think in racial terms, at least to hear white America tell it.  (White Quotes) Race in America has always centered on our mutual agreement not to see each other. White or non-white. Black or non-black. Mongoloid, Hindoo. We’ve always bought into to the crudest, humanity-denying forms of sorting.  (White Quotes) You know, I don’t play the race card a lot. I’m half-black, half-white, and I’m proud of - my skin is brown. The world sees me as a black man, but my mother didn’t raise me as a black man. She didn’t raise me as a white guy.  (White Quotes) There’s sort of a persistent misperception that talking about race is black folk’s burden. Ultimately, only men can end sexism, and only white people can end racism.  (White Quotes) In the black sororities, they celebrate achievement academically, and they really do work toward community service. As much as the white sororities claim that’s the case in their groups, it’s not really so. White sororities focus on relationships.  (White Quotes) The essential relationship across American history between black people and white people is one of exploitation and one of plunder. This is not, you know, necessarily about, you know, whether you’re a good person or not or whether you see black people, you know, on the street, and you’re willing to shake their hands and be polite.  (White Quotes) Soul was the music made by and for black people. For most of the Sixties it was thoroughly divorced from white popular music, but by the end of the decade several artists with their roots firmly in both soul and R  (White Quotes) I’m a prodigal son. The black sheep of a white flock. I shall die on the gallows.  (White Quotes) I have found people on both sides of the aisle, white and black, that’ll give you the shirt off their back. And I’ve also found people that won’t give you a piece of bread if you’re starving to death.  (White Quotes) Growing up in Oakland, we did things like white t-shirt, blue jeans and Nikes. That was my get down, how I was going to rock. And if you look at me right now, I’m pretty much black tee, blue jeans and some sneakers.  (White Quotes) Tom Ford, who is my all-time favourite, once said to me, ‘Here’s the thing about dress shirts, Rob. You need white, and you need black.’ ‘What about blue,’ I asked. He said, ‘Have you ever seen Cary Grant in a blue dress shirt?’  (White Quotes) I was making big paintings with mythological themes. When I started painting black figures, the white professors were relieved, and the black students were like, ‘She’s on our side.’ These are the kinds of issues that a white male artist just doesn’t have to deal with.  (White Quotes) I don’t stand for black man’s side, I don’t stand for white man’s side, I stand for God’s side.  (White Quotes) You know why we’re stuck with the myth that only black people have soul? Because white people don’t let themselves feel things.  (White Quotes) When I sing, I don’t want them to see that my face is black. I don’t want them to see that my face is white. I want them to see my soul. And that is colorless.  (White Quotes) There’s a way that white people and black people spoke in the 70s that is nothing like how they speak now. They spoke from a soul, actually. There’s a singsongy way of walking and talking that’s just different now.  (White Quotes) Any time you stop looking at evil as a black and white thing, it’s helpful. So the fact that there won’t be any obligatory Islamic terrorist stereotypes in movies any more, that’d be helpful.  (White Quotes) I’ve never seen anyone more messed up over success than Richard Pryor. For him, it’s a constant battle between success in the white world and keeping it real for his black self.  (White Quotes) Reggie Campbell and Kathleen Goldsmith are participants in an American success story, the unprecedented boom of home-buying by African-Americans in the 1990s. Only he is black and she is white. When he moved into the neighborhood, she moved out.  (White Quotes) I have the most eclectic audience - I’ve got gay, I’ve got straight, black, white, rich, poor, young, old, in 45 countries. And they don’t all come because I’m the Sinatra kid, though that’s a big part of it. My biggest successes have come from pop songs that I write myself.  (White Quotes) That first company I started made a lot of money for the venture capitalists - nearly $30 million - but next to nothing for the founders. The companies I started after that varied between failures and mediocre successes. But at no point did I ever consider getting a ‘real job.’ That felt like a black and white world, and I wanted Technicolor.  (White Quotes) My mother worked in the white world, but I lived almost exclusively in a black world. I don’t think I had ever seen a white teacher until I got to high school.  (White Quotes) I read that prior to the advent of color TV, most people dreamed in black and white  (White Quotes) I Spy’ represents the absence of the tension of the black man or black woman or anyone of that color walking in, so that the white racist person can become entertaining to a viewer.  (White Quotes) Design in black and white. Add color for emphasis, when your design is complete.  (White Quotes) People add color to their story because they think it happened in black and white  (White Quotes) I don’t understand people who dream in black and white. I just don’t get it. My dreams have always been vivid color.  (White Quotes) Then the coxswain called out, ‘Ready all!’ Joe turned and faced the rear of the boat, slid his seat forward, sank the white blade of his oar into the oil-black water, tensed his muscles, and waited for the command that would propel him forward into the glimmering darkness.  (White Quotes) I know my destiny. I was born into animosity, bigotry and hatred. We had water for white folks, and water for coloured folks. White lines, black lines. I came from Beaufort in South Carolina, and it was tougher than Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.  (White Quotes) Black women don’t have the same body image problems as white women. They are proud of their bodies.  (White Quotes)
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