Who ever said that one was born just once?

Who ever said that one was born just once?
Jacques Derrida, the renowned French philosopher and literary theorist, is known for his groundbreaking work in deconstruction and post-structuralism. One of his most famous quotes is, "Who ever said that one was born just once?" This statement encapsulates Derrida's belief in the fluidity and multiplicity of identity, meaning, and existence.Derrida's philosophy challenges traditional notions of fixed identity and singular meaning. He argues that language and texts are inherently unstable and open to multiple interpretations. In his seminal work "Of Grammatology," Derrida deconstructs the binary oppositions that structure Western thought, such as presence/absence, speech/writing, and nature/culture. He shows how these oppositions are not stable or fixed, but are constantly shifting and overlapping.
For Derrida, the idea of being born just once implies a singular, fixed identity that is predetermined and unchanging. However, he rejects this notion in favor of a more fluid and dynamic understanding of identity. Derrida believes that identity is always in process, always becoming, and never fully stable or complete. He argues that we are constantly reinventing ourselves through our interactions with others and with the world around us.