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Who goeth a borrowing goeth a sorrowing

Who goeth a borrowing goeth a sorrowing Picture Quote #1

Who goeth a borrowing goeth a sorrowing

Thomas Tusser was an English poet and farmer who lived during the 16th century. He is best known for his work "A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry," which provided practical advice for farmers on how to manage their land and crops. One of the most famous lines from this work is "Who goeth a borrowing goeth a sorrowing," which has become a well-known proverb in English-speaking countries.

This proverb serves as a warning about the dangers of borrowing money or resources from others. Tusser understood the risks involved in taking on debt and the potential consequences that could arise from not being able to repay what was borrowed. In his time, borrowing money was often a risky endeavor, as interest rates were high and lenders could be ruthless in their collection efforts.

Tusser's advice is still relevant today, as many people continue to struggle with debt and financial difficulties. Borrowing money can lead to stress, anxiety, and even ruin if not managed properly. Those who borrow without a clear plan for repayment may find themselves in a cycle of debt that is difficult to break free from.
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