Who offends writes on sand, who is offended on marble

Who offends writes on sand, who is offended on marble
The proverb "Who offends writes on sand, who is offended on marble" speaks to the idea that those who are quick to offend others often do so in a fleeting and temporary manner, while those who are offended hold onto their hurt and anger for a much longer period of time.When someone offends another person, it is often done in a moment of anger or frustration, without much thought or consideration for the consequences. The offender may say or do something hurtful, but once the moment has passed, they may not give it much more thought. It is as if their words or actions are written in sand, easily washed away by the tide of time.
On the other hand, the person who is offended by the actions or words of another may hold onto that hurt for a much longer period of time. They may replay the incident over and over in their mind, allowing it to fester and grow into something much larger than it originally was. The offense becomes like writing on marble, permanent and unchanging.
This proverb serves as a reminder to think before speaking or acting in a way that may offend others. It encourages us to consider the lasting impact of our words and actions, and to strive to treat others with kindness and respect. It also reminds us that holding onto anger and resentment only serves to harm ourselves in the long run.