Who Quotes

Text Quotes
It's our insides that make us who we are, that allow us to dream and wonder and feel for others. That's what's essential. That's what will always make the biggest difference in our world (Who Quotes)
We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say "It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem. " Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes (Who Quotes)
One of the universal fears of childhood is the fear of not having value in the eyes of the people whom we admire so much (Who Quotes)
Sometimes people are good, and they do just what they should. But the very same people who are good sometimes are the very same people who are bad sometimes. It's funny but it's true. Its the same isn't it, for me and (Who Quotes)
He had known in times of the greatest misery or danger that his dreams of home, in which all things seemed beautiful, were in essence his longing for the woman for whom he had been made. That was how, as a soldier, he had seen it, and it was how he had come through (Who Quotes)
It's a defining difference, curiosity. I've never known a stupid person who was curious, or a curious person who was stupid (Who Quotes)
You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are (Who Quotes)
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping (Who Quotes)
When we treat children's play as seriously as it deserves, we are helping them feel the joy that's to be found in the creative spirit. It's the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives (Who Quotes)
At the center of the Universe is a loving heart that continues to beat and that wants the best for every person. Anything that we can do to help foster the intellect and spirit and emotional growth of our fellow human beings, that is our job. Those of us who have this particular vision must continue against all odds. Life is for service (Who Quotes)
We need to help people to discover the true meaning of love. Love is generally confused with dependence. Those of us who have grown in true love know that we can love only in proportion to our capacity for independence (Who Quotes)
It's the people we love the most who can make us feel the gladdest... and the maddest! Love and anger are such a puzzle! (Who Quotes)
Anyone who has ever been able to sustain good work has had at least one person--and often many--who have believed in him or her. We just don't get to be competent human beings without a lot of different investments from others (Who Quotes)
There's no "should" or "should not" when it comes to having feelings. They're part of who we are and their origins are beyond our control. When we can believe that, we may find it easier to make constructive choices about what to do with those feelings (Who Quotes)
If the building of a bridge does not enrich the awareness of those who work on it, then that bridge ought not to be built (Who Quotes)
What I call middle-class society is any society that becomes rigidified in predetermined forms, forbidding all evolution, all gains, all progress, all discovery. I call middle-class a closed society in which life has no taste, in which the air is tainted, in which ideas and men are corrupt. And I think that a man who takes a stand against this death is in a sense a revolutionary (Who Quotes)
Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly (Who Quotes)
I fear not the man who has practiced 10, 000 kicks once, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10, 000 times (Who Quotes)
That famous dictatorship, whose supporters believe that it is called for by the historical process and consider it an indispensable prelude to the dawn of independence, in fact symbolizes the decision of the bourgeois caste to govern the underdeveloped country first with the help of the people, but soon against them (Who Quotes)
The passion with which native intellectuals defend the existence of their national culture may be a source of amazement; but those who condemn this exaggerated passion are strangely apt to forget that their own psyche and their own selves are conveniently sheltered behind a French or German culture which has given full proof of its existence and which is uncontested (Who Quotes)
Colinialism hardly ever exploits the whole of a country. It contents itself with bringing to light the natrual resources, which it extracts, and exports to meet the needs of the mother country's industries, thereby allowing certain sectors of the colony to become relatively rich. But the rest of the colony follows its path of under-development and poverty, or at all events sinks into it more deeply (Who Quotes)
In my own case at least I feel my professional need for freedom of speech and expression prejudices me toward a government whose constitution guarantees it (Who Quotes)
The streets of New York and some wards of its venerable institutions were packed with people who, despite being entirely forsaken, had episodes of glory that made the career of Alexander the Great seem like a day in the life of a file clerk (Who Quotes)
Truth is not anchored to the ground by driven piles. It can float and take to the air; it is light and lovely and delicate. It is feminine as well as masculine. It is often gentle, and sometimes it can even make a fool of itself-but when it does it calls down God (who protects weak creatures), and suddenly its foolishness becomes a blazing, piercing light (Who Quotes)
The rich died, too, disappointing all those who thought that somehow they didn't. Peter Lakes had no illusions about mortality. He knew that it made everyone perfectly equal, and that the treasures of the earth were movement, courage, laughter, and love. The wealthy could not buy these things. On the contrary they were for the taking (Who Quotes)
I remember one English teacher in the eighth grade, Florence Schrack, whose husband also taught at the high school. I thought what she said made sense, and she parsed sentences on the blackboard and gave me, I'd like to think, some sense of English grammar and that there is a grammar, that those commas serve a purpose and that a sentence has a logic, that you can break it down. I've tried not to forget those lessons, and to treat the English language with respect as a kind of intricate tool (Who Quotes)
Ignore ignorance. The ultimate way to deal with men with ignorant mentality who are ignorance of your purpose on earth is to ignore their ignorance; capitalize on their ignorance and let them appreciate your purpose in awe and admiration (Who Quotes)
You have a life and there are these volumes on either side that go unvisited; some day soon as the world winds he will lie beneath what he now stands on, dead as those insects whose sound he no longer hears, and the grass will go on growing, wild and blind (Who Quotes)
There is non who is unfriendly, even the person we may regard as unfriendly has a friend. Our mind is the only limitation and barrier to people (Who Quotes)
So basically I did this whole show carrying 100lbs, looking out of one eye, dancing – and then my tits explode at the end. It's not as easy as it looks! (Who Quotes)