Whole Quotes

Text Quotes
Get going: from taking turns being thankful during grace to more creative projects like creating a jar to keep gratitude notes in, we're making wholeheartedness a family affair (Whole Quotes)
A man is whole only when he takes into account his shadow as well as himself - and what is a man's shadow but his upright astonishment? (Whole Quotes)
Wholeheartedness. There are many tenets of wholeheartedness, but at its very core is vulnerability and worthiness; facing uncertainty, exposure, and emotional risks, and knowing that I am enough (Whole Quotes)
If a faultless poem could be produced, I am satisfied it would tire the critics themselves; and annoy the whole reading world with the spleen (Whole Quotes)
If we want to live a wholehearted life, we have to become intentional about cultivating sleep and play, and about letting go of exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as self worth (Whole Quotes)
Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what's done is done. Embrace your dreams though the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light (Whole Quotes)
Being filled with the Spirit is simply this - having my whole nature yielded to His power. When the whole soul is yielded to the Holy Spirit, God Himself will fill it (Whole Quotes)
But if you make your best effort just to continue your practice with your whole mind and body, without gaining ideas, then whatever you do will be true practice (Whole Quotes)
The whole life of man is but a point of time; let us enjoy it, therefore, while it lasts, and not spend it to no purpose (Whole Quotes)
Honour is like that glassy bubble, that finds philosophers such trouble, whose least part crack'd, the whole does fly and wits are crack'd to find out why (Whole Quotes)
We ought to regard books as we do sweetmeats, not wholly to aim at the pleasantest, but chiefly to respect the wholesomest; not forbidding either, but approving the latter most (Whole Quotes)
The conduct of a wise politician is ever suited to the present posture of affairs. Often by foregoing a part he saves the whole, and by yielding in a small matter secures a greater (Whole Quotes)
One does a whole painting for one peach and people think just the opposite - that particular peach is but a detail (Whole Quotes)
Coffee on an airplane always smells bad. Whenever it is served, suddenly the whole cabin stinks of it (Whole Quotes)
That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything (Whole Quotes)
The whole world loves American movies, blue jeans, jazz and rock and roll. It is probably a better way to get to know our country than by what politicians or airline commercials represent (Whole Quotes)
It was time enough for whole lives to have been led and misled... time enough, as the poet said, to murder and create - or at least, to have warranted the dropping of a question on one's plate (Whole Quotes)
Everything deep is also simple and can be reproduced simply as long as its reference to the whole truth is maintained. But what matters is not what is witty but what is true (Whole Quotes)
The loyalty of the true believer is to the whole - the church, party, nation - and not to his fellow true believer (Whole Quotes)
Just as a cautious businessman avoids tying up all his capital in one concern, so, perhaps, worldly wisdom will advise us not to look for the whole of our satisfaction from a single aspiration (Whole Quotes)
Do you know how scary it is to want something so bad you're willing to change your whole life for it? (Whole Quotes)
It might be said of psychoanalysis that if you give it your little finger it will soon have your whole hand (Whole Quotes)
It seemed as if the whole of the world was slowly being stripped of innocence. Or maybe I was seeing a little too clearly (Whole Quotes)
The behavior of a human being in sexual matters is often a prototype for the whole of his other modes of reaction in life (Whole Quotes)
I think I have something that belongs to you'. I held out my open hand, the stone resting in my palm. I expected her to take it. Instead she took the whole hand, and held it (Whole Quotes)
I noticed Incy smiling at me as I rounded up my third or fourth doll size éclair. I mean, I get the whole precious food thing. But give me a big honking éclair, know what I'm saying? (Whole Quotes)
And nothing quite so least as truth - I say though hate were why men breathe - because my father lived his soul love is the whole and more than all (Whole Quotes)
All you've done is keep me at arm's length the whole time we've known each other because you're afraid (Whole Quotes)
If a movie isn't a hit right out of the gate, they drop it. Which means that the whole mainstream Hollywood product has been skewed toward violence and vulgar teen comedy (Whole Quotes)
Now it happened that this Candaules was in love with his own wife; and not only so, but thought her the fairest woman in the whole world. This fancy had strange consequences (Whole Quotes)