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If you’re frightened of damaging yourself, you increase the risk of doing just that. Consider the tightrope walker. Do you think he spares any thought for falling while he’s walking the rope? No, he accepts the risk, and enjoys the thrill of braving the danger. If you spend your whole life being careful not to break anything, you’ll get terribly bored, you know... I can’t think of anything more fun than being impulsive (Whole Quotes)
You know, when I was in love, I was always inventing things. A whole array of tricks, illusions and optical effects to amuse my lady friend. I think she’d had enough of my inventions by the end... I wanted to create a voyage to the moon just for her, but what I should have given her was a real journey on earth (Whole Quotes)
It’s like swimming, underwater, this whole year. I just close my eyes. hold my breath, and keep kicking (Whole Quotes)
Most people I know live their lives moving in a constant forward direction, the whole time looking backward (Whole Quotes)
I had forgotten: this is what it feels like to live in time. The lurching forward, the sensation of falling of a cliff into darkness, and then landing abruptly, surprised, confused, and then starting the whole process again in the next moment, doing that over and over again, falling into each instant of time and then climbing back up only to repeat the process (Whole Quotes)
Which side of the blade is sharper? The lie or the truth? It all seems irrelevant when your jugular is sliced open and you’re lying in a pool of blood for the whole world to see (Whole Quotes)
Listen to no one’s advice except that of the wind in the trees. That can recount the whole history of mankind (Whole Quotes)
You can hate a person with your whole body, but love is a stubborn thing, it clings on in your heart (Whole Quotes)
Frost grows on the window glass, forming whorl patterns of lovely translucent geometry. Breathe on the glass, and you give frost more ammunition. Now it can build castles and cities and whole ice continents with your breath’s vapor. In a few blinks you can almost see the winter fairies moving in... But first, you hear the crackle of their wings (Whole Quotes)
I am so fond of tea that I could write a whole dissertation on its virtues. It comforts and enlivens without the risks attendant on spirituous liquors. Gentle herb! Let the florid grape yield to thee. Thy soft influence is a more safe inspirer of social joy (Whole Quotes)
What you fear your whole life comes to pass. You end up living toward it, you spend your life running from it but your foot is nailed to the sidewalk. You circle around it until you wear yourself own (Whole Quotes)
And that’s where the whole trouble is. We’re too much alike to understand each other because we don’t even understand our own selves (Whole Quotes)
And when he catches me looking at him, he gives me this incredibly sweet, calm smile, and I think that we’ve got our lives ahead of us, our whole lives (Whole Quotes)
Knowledge can be like the skin on the surface of the water in a pond, or it can go all the way down to the mud. It can be the tiny tip of the iceberg or the whole hundred percent (Whole Quotes)
Our entire society is based on discontent. People wanting more and more and more. Being constantly dissatisfied with their homes, their bodies, their décor, their clothes, everything – taking it for granted that that’s the whole point of life. Never to be satisfied. If you are perfectly happy with what you got, especially if what you got isn’t even all the spectacular then you’re dangerous. You’re breaking all the rules. You’re undermining the sacred economy. You’re challenging every assumption that society is built on (Whole Quotes)
My feelings were hurt. Once I started I couldn’t seem to let it go. Be strange if the person who matters most in the whole world couldn’t hurt your feelings, wouldn’t it? (Whole Quotes)
We had no choice. Sadness was a dangerous as panthers and bears. the wilderness needs your whole attention (Whole Quotes)
I’m just like this. I have no talent for choosing my battles. Life seems, strangely, like a battle to me. The whole thing (Whole Quotes)
Everybody is damaged goods. Everybody got bumps and dents, ja? But sometimes two people fit together, and the bumps go into the dents, and you have a whole thing like a potato (Whole Quotes)
Anarchy loves theatre. That’s the whole point. People forget that. You have to laugh at the devil, not fight him. They’ll always have more guns, they’ll always have more bombs that go off with a bigger bang. No matter how revolting you become they’ll always be willing to be more revolting to you. They’ve had so much more practice (Whole Quotes)
Black is the absence of all color. White is the presence of all colors. I suppose life must be one or the other. On the whole, though, I think I would prefer color to its absence. But then black does add depth and texture to color. Perhaps certain shades of gray are necessary to a complete palette. Even unrelieved black. Ah, a deep philosophical question. Is black necessary to life, even a happy life? Could we ever be happy if we did not at least occasionally experience misery? (Whole Quotes)
People are so stupid. They think they’ve got the whole puzzle figured out, but they’re really so far off (Whole Quotes)
If you say a word, it leaps out and becomes the truth. I love you. I believe it. I believe I am loveable. How can something as fragile as a word build a whole world? (Whole Quotes)
When you’re young, there’s a whole lot of stuff you say you’ll never do. Once you get a little older, the list tends to get shorter (Whole Quotes)
It doesn’t matter what people want to hear. It doesn’t matter if people like you. It doesn’t matter if the whole world thinks you’re crazy. It doesn’t matter whose heart you break. What matters is the truth (Whole Quotes)
I think sometimes that people are like onions. On the outside smooth and whole and simple but inside ring upon ring, complex and deep (Whole Quotes)
I am like a small creature swallowed whole by a monster, she thought, and the monster feels my tiny little movements inside (Whole Quotes)
Often it was the most unlikely people who found within themselves a spark of something greater. It was probably always there, but most people are never tested, and they go through their whole lives without ever knowing that when things are at their worst, they are at their best (Whole Quotes)
Janie’s hip buzzes again. Maybe she’ll have to have her whole leg amputated, she thinks sadly. That would really suck (Whole Quotes)
If he acts, if he doesn’t, it’s meaningless. The whole thing goes forward. No one is important. No one at all (Whole Quotes)