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I swear, every person I know gets far more satisfaction from doing good deeds than receiving them. Maybe that’s the whole point in the end, all of us putting up with good deeds, tolerating them as best we can, counting the minutes until we have the opportunity to reciprocate (Whole Quotes)
For a split second they stared at each other. A fleeting, lasting moment. One person noticing another person out of a whole crowd of strangers (Whole Quotes)
Here today, up and off to somewhere else tomorrow! Travel, change, interest, excitement! The whole world before you, and a horizon that’s always changing! (Whole Quotes)
Now do you see why war irritates me? It’s always the same. A lot of people get killed, but in the end, the whole thing is settled at the conference table. The notion of having the conference first doesn’t seem to occur to people (Whole Quotes)
... but then the general trouble with ignorance is always that the ignorant person has no idea that that’s what they are. You can be ignorant and stupid and go through your whole life without ever encountering any evidence against the hypothesis that you’re a genius (Whole Quotes)
Southern women can say more with a cut of their eyes than a whole debate club’s worth of speeches (Whole Quotes)
We hit the sidewalk, and dropped hands. How I wished, right then, that the whole world was a street (Whole Quotes)
To try to reform all the power structures at once would leave us with no power structure to use in our project. In any case, we will be able to see that absolute moral renewal could be attempted only by an absolute power and that a tyrannous force such as this must destroy the whole moral life of man, not renew it (Whole Quotes)
She’d never in her whole life bunked school, smoked dope, or kissed a boy whose name she didn’t know, and yet in the last few days, she’d done all these things (Whole Quotes)
And I saw that all my life I had known that this was going to happen, and that I’d been afraid for a long time, I’d been afraid for a long time. There’s fear, of course, with everybody. But now it had grown, it had grown gigantic; it filled me and it filled the whole world (Whole Quotes)
A small and sinister snow seems to be coming down relentlessly at present. The radio says it is eventually going to be sleet and rain, but I don’t think so; I think it is just going to go on and on, coming down, until the whole world... etc. It has that look (Whole Quotes)
No matter what choice you make, it doesn’t define you. Not forever. People can make bad choices and change their minds and hearts and do good things later; just as people can make good choices and then turn around and walk a bad path. No choice we make lasts our whole life. If there’s ever a choice you’ve made that you no longer agree with, you can make another choice (Whole Quotes)
When I’m with him, there is someone with me in my house of grief, someone who knows its architecture as I do, who can walk with me, from room to sorrowful room, making the whole rambling structure of wind and emptiness not quite as scary, as lonely as it was before (Whole Quotes)
It was strange to see someone you have only known alone begin interacting with other people, for that somebody known to you disappears and is replaced by a different, more complex, person. You watch him revolve in this new company, revealing new facets, and there is nothing you can do but hope you like these other sides as much as you like the side that seemed whole when it faced only you (Whole Quotes)
I always feel this pressure of being a strong and independent icon of womanhood, and without making it look my whole life is revolving around some guy. But loving someone, and being loved means so much to me. We always make fun of it and stuff. But isn’t everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more? (Whole Quotes)
Your face encompasses the beauty of the whole earth. Your lips, as red as ripening fruit, gently part as if in pain. It is the smile of a corpse. Now the hand of death touches life. The chain is forged that links the thousand families that are dead to the thousand generations to come (Whole Quotes)
If I’m going to spend the whole night waiting for you guys to stop flirting and shoot each other, I want to at least be entertained (Whole Quotes)
Have you noticed how nobody ever looks up? Nobody looks at chimneys, or trees against the sky, or the tops of buildings. Everybody just looks down at the pavement or their shoes. The whole world could pass them by and most people wouldn’t notice (Whole Quotes)
Peace fell upon her spirit. Strong comfort and assurance bathed her whole being. Life was so solid and splendid, and so good (Whole Quotes)
I want love to be simple. I want to trust without thinking. I want to be generous with my affection and patience and love unconditionally. It is easier to love a person with their flaws than to weed through them. I want to love the whole person, not parts; and this is how I want to be loved (Whole Quotes)
Everyone I looked at, their whole lives, did exactly what they were supposed to do without even questioning it, without even wondering if they could do something different (Whole Quotes)
Rain slips through your fingers as easily as words blow away in the wind, and yet it has the power to destroy your whole world (Whole Quotes)
Anyone can be crazy. That’s usually just because there’s something screwed up in your wiring, you know? But suicide is a whole different thing. I mean, how much do you have to hate yourself to want to just wipe yourself out? (Whole Quotes)
Chosen motherhood is the real liberation. The choice to have a child makes the whole experience of motherhood different, and the choice to be generative in other ways can at last be made, and is being made by many women now, without guilt (Whole Quotes)
He just put his hand through the bulkhead, exactly as she’d done, and squeezed my shoulder. He has very strong fingers. And he kept his hand there the whole way home, even when he was reading the map and giving me headings. So I am not flying alone now after all (Whole Quotes)
You smiled then, and your whole face changed with it. It kind of lit up, like there were sunbeams coming from inside you (Whole Quotes)
I keep trying to forget, but I must remember. And gather the scattered continents of a self, once whole. Before they plant flags and boundary my destiny. Push down the watered mountains that blemish this soiled soul before the valleys of my conscience get the best of me. I’ll need a passport just to simply reach the rest of me. A vaccination for a lesser god’s bleak history (Whole Quotes)
Your actions are your own. Your choices are your own. Each of us carries a burden of guilt for decisions made or not made. You can let that rule your whole life or you can put it behind you and move on. Only a madman lets jealousy determine the course of his existence. Only a weak man blames others for his own errors (Whole Quotes)
A whole tree of lightning stood in the sky. She kept looking out the window, suffused with the warmth from the fire and with the pity and beauty and power of her death. The thunder rolled (Whole Quotes)
I’ve always wanted to get as far as possible from the place where I was born. Far both geographically and spiritually. To leave it behind... I feel that life is very short and the world is there to see and one should know as much about it as possible. One belongs to the whole world, not just one part of it (Whole Quotes)