Whole Quotes

Text Quotes
To celebrate a festival means: to live out, for some special occasion and in an uncommon manner, the universal assent to the world as a whole (Whole Quotes)
There is a great responsibility on the team to perform well, because our supporters and the whole of the country are expecting us to do just that (Whole Quotes)
Sincerity is impossible, unless it pervade the whole being, and the pretence of it saps the very foundation of character (Whole Quotes)
I’m way different than I was last year. You learn something new every year. I learned a whole lot from last season and a whole lot from this season. I’m still learning (Whole Quotes)
Both life and death manifest in every moment of existence. Our human body appears and disappears moment by moment, without cease, and this ceaseless arising and passing away is what we experience as time and being. They are not separate. They are one thing, and in even a fraction of a second, we have the opportunity to choose, and to turn the course of our action either toward the attainment of truth or away from it. Each instant is utterly critical to the whole world (Whole Quotes)
You’re trying to figure out a way to meet a horse to where he can understand. And to me, it’s not to train a horse, it’s to try to get the horse with you where it’s one mind and one body. You may spend your whole life chasing that, but it’s a good thing to chase (Whole Quotes)
I want gaming to be something that everybody does, because they understand that games can be a real solution to problems and a real source of happiness. I want games to be something everybody learns how to design and develop, because they understand that games are a real platform for change and getting things done. And I want families, schools, companies, industries, cities, countries, and the whole world to come together to play them, because we’re finally making games that tackle real dilemmas and improve real lives (Whole Quotes)
If I was writing a lifestyle book it would have the same advice on every page, and you’d know it all already. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, and live your whole life in every way as well as you can: exercise regularly as part of your daily routine, avoid obesity, don’t drink too much, don’t smoke, and don’t get distracted from the real, basic, simple causes of ill health. But as we will see, even these things are hard to do on your own, and in reality require wholesale social and political changes (Whole Quotes)
Sharon has subverted the whole process by turning it into something sequential and conditional and, of course, by making himself the interpreter of the road map (Whole Quotes)
Math is my favorite subject. It’s the universal language. I like the fact that wherever you go in the whole world, two plus two will still be four (Whole Quotes)
I love stories and acting is a way to tell stories. Everyone assumes I’ve done it my whole life (Whole Quotes)
The boys that lose our directioners are so stupid, they will never find such beautiful girls in the whole entire world (Whole Quotes)
The truth will set you free, but it’s only slightly less scary than hell and a whole lot harder to get there (Whole Quotes)
I love the night passionately... I love it with all my senses: I love to see it, I love to breathe it in, I love to open my ears to its silence, I love my whole body to be caressed by its blackness (Whole Quotes)
Promoting health without encouraging others to seek wholeness is an exercise in futility. Not until we realize that our bodies are mirrors of our interpersonal, spiritual, professional, sexual, creative, financial, environmental, mental, and emotional health will we truly heal (Whole Quotes)
Our defining gift as humans is our power to choose, including our power to choose our collective future. It is a gift that comes with a corresponding moral responsibility to use that power in ways that work to the benefit of all people and the whole of life (Whole Quotes)
Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of (Whole Quotes)
The placebo effect is one of the most fascinating things in the whole of medicine. It’s not just about taking a pill, and your performance and your pain getting better. It’s about our beliefs and expectations. It’s about the cultural meaning of a treatment (Whole Quotes)
You have to utilize who you are in your work. Nobody else can do that: nobody else can pull from your background, from your parents, your upbringing, your whole life experience (Whole Quotes)
What the economy requires now is a whole different set of skills: You need intelligence, you need an ability to sit still and focus, to communicate openly to be able to listen to people and to operate in a workplace that is much more fluid than it used to be. Those are things that women do extremely well (Whole Quotes)
It might pay to be resilient, if this was all being vulnerable and skinless got you. People didn’t stop and cluck over damage done unless you made it worth their while. Indeed, maybe it was time to rethink this whole salvation business. Or maybe I was less desperate, less teetering on the edge than I cared to admit. Now, that was a refreshing possibility (Whole Quotes)
It is great to be a part of the whole skating family, and it makes me feel ecstatic that my name will be among the greats of the sport (Whole Quotes)
The mother is the most essential piece on the board, the one you must protect. Only she has the range. Only she can move in multiple directions. Once she’s gone, it’s a whole different game (Whole Quotes)
Instead of thinking that you put pieces together that will add up to a whole, I think you have to start with the premise that they’re already together and you try to keep from destroying life by segmenting it, overorganizing it and dehumanizing it. You try to keep things together. The educative process must be organic, and not an assortment of unrelated methods and ideas (Whole Quotes)
I’m feminine: I’m wearing a skirt, I own a bra. I think that whole big blonde look has been taken over by transsexuals now. I’m a natural blonde, but that blonde hair, big tits idea of what men want, it’s now really unfeminine (Whole Quotes)
In every man s life there lies latent energy. There is, however, a spark that, if kindled, will set the whole being afire, and he will become a human dynamo, capable of accomplishing almost anything to which he aspires (Whole Quotes)
Every event has a purpose and every setback a lesson. Failure is essential to personal expansion. It brings inner growth and a whole host of psychic rewards. Never regret your past. Rather embrace it as the teacher it is (Whole Quotes)
We simulated the predator with livestock and the perennial grassland returned. Just put the whole back, and there it was. You’ll find the scientific method never discovers anything. Observant, creative people make discoveries. But the scientific method protects us from cranks like me (Whole Quotes)
If we wish to stop the atrocities, we need merely to step away from the isolation. There is a whole world waiting for us, ready to welcome us home (Whole Quotes)
From early on I valued the gift of memory above all others. I understood that as we grow older we carry a whole nation around inside of us, places and ways that have disappeared, believing that they are ours, that we alone hold the torch for our past, that we are as impenetrable as stone (Whole Quotes)