Whole Quotes

Text Quotes
To deprive a gregarious creature of companionship is to maim it, to outrage its nature. The prisoner and the cenobite are aware that the herd exists beyond their exile; they are an aspect of it. But when the herd no longer exists, there is, for the herd creature, no longer entity, a part of no whole; a freak without a place. If he cannot hold on to his reason, then he is lost indeed; most utterly, most fearfully lost, so that he becomes no more than the twitch in the limb of a corpse (Whole Quotes)
Handicaps are mindsets. Whatever it is that stands in the way of achieving something, that’s when it’s a handicap. I prefer to see them as obstacles or challenges. This is how I’ve been my whole life. I don’t know any different. I just live my life through my feet (Whole Quotes)
The whole secret of freedom from anxiety over not having enough time lies not in working more hours, but in the proper planning of the hours (Whole Quotes)
There are times with your friends when you just have to put their whole mess out of your mind for a while (Whole Quotes)
Ideally, you will develop strategic response to your place in the corporate lifecycle to identify new paths of strategic renewal. You will look for new growth curves that can be started early enough to replace declining products and you will try to identify whole new curves that will take the organisation to new levels of growth as a whole (Whole Quotes)
We need to build our friendships on truth and wholeness. We need friends who can be with us in our loneliness, not people who will cheer us up so that we don’t feel it. We need friends who get furious with us when we are not being real or true to ourselves, not when we don’t do what they want us to do (Whole Quotes)
The purpose of healing is to live while you are alive instead of dying while you are alive. Healing is about being broken and whole at the same time (Whole Quotes)
Differentiation is classroom practice that looks eyeball to eyeball with the reality that kids differ, and the most effective teachers do whatever it takes to hook the whole range of kids on learning (Whole Quotes)
The spine as a whole operates as a functional unit. Each vertabra can affect its neighbor and one portion of the spine may affect or damage other areas of the body (Whole Quotes)
Knowledge is the accumulation of facts wisdom is the deduction from these facts of useful laws, a process which can only take place by comparing the facts in one compartment with those in all others, thus giving a vision of the whole (Whole Quotes)
Opportunities present themselves to me. That’s how my whole life has been pretty much. I’ve been lucky (Whole Quotes)
Nothing in life is trivial. Life is whole wherever and whenever we touch it, and one moment or event is not less sacred than another (Whole Quotes)
When we see the wholeness of being born, living, and dying, there is a joy in living and a grace in dying (Whole Quotes)
Revolution, total revolution, implies experimenting with the impossible. And when an individual takes a step in the direction of the new, the impossible, the whole human race travels through that individual (Whole Quotes)
That’s how our system works. It’s a giant con game. One thing gets old, then you have to buy the next thing that gets old, then the next thing. Our whole society’s a training ground for addicts (Whole Quotes)
They’re both a bit cavalier about the whole thing at first; more than anything, they seem to think that it’s going to be a lot of fun. Which it is, of course, but mostly in the way a plane crash is fun to reminisce about after you survive it (Whole Quotes)
As travelers, it is our responsibility to adapt, otherwise we miss the whole point: the opportunity to gain a new perspective (Whole Quotes)
I think that all things are spirit and are derived from spirit. When you look at life from that perspective, it takes on a whole new meaning (Whole Quotes)
It’s like my whole world is coming undone, but when I write, my pencil is a needle and thread, and I’m stitching the scraps back together (Whole Quotes)
The ear is profound, whereas the eye is frivolous, too easily satisfied. The ear is active, imaginative, whereas the eye is passive. When you hear a noise at night, instantly you imagine its cause. The sound of a train whistle conjures up the whole station. The eye can perceive only what is presented to it (Whole Quotes)
Today the darkness begins to grow shorter and the light to lengthen, as the hours of night become fewer... Realize that the true light is now here and, through the rays of the gospel, is illumining the whole earth (Whole Quotes)
There are some people that you cannot change, you must either swallow them whole or leave them alone (Whole Quotes)
A road trip is a way for the whole family to spend time together and annoy each other in interesting new places (Whole Quotes)
Once in a lifetime, perhaps, one escapes the actual confines of the flesh. Once in a lifetime, if one is lucky, one so merges with sunlight and air and running water that whole eons, the eons that mountains and deserts know, might pass in a single afternoon without discomfort (Whole Quotes)
Like an organism, photography was born whole. It is in our progressive discovery of it that its history lies (Whole Quotes)
Food that is necessary for man’s existence is as sacred as life itself. Everything that is indispensable for its preservation is the common property of society as a whole. It is only the surplus that is private property and can be safely left to individual commercial enterprise (Whole Quotes)
I always tell myself that we are born here not to work, but to enjoy life. We are here to make things better for one another, and not to work. If you are spending your whole life working, you will certainly regret it. No matter how successful you are in your career, you must always remember that we are here to live. If you keep yourself busy working, you will surely regret it (Whole Quotes)
Sometimes you don’t know it. What you have been waiting your whole life for. You don’t know until it is happening (Whole Quotes)
The tea ceremony requires years of training and practice... yet the whole of this art, as to its detail, signifies no more than the making and serving of a cup of tea. The supremely important matter is that the act be performed in the most perfect, most polite, most graceful, most charming manner possible (Whole Quotes)
The balance between faith and reason is for the determination of each individual, and of the people as a whole, not of unauthorized government officials uttering impious humbug as they arbitrarily try to define that balance (Whole Quotes)