Wholesome Quotes

Text Quotes
Set realistic goals short and long term.2. Plan an orderly and thorough routine to train the entire body.3. Make a commitment to stick to your routine for four to six weeks to realize the changes and benefits, develop perseverance and create a habit.4. Establish enthusiasm for your training, the driving force to perform successfully.5. Ease into an appropriate training program with a wholesome, thoughtful nutritional plan: proper foods, amounts and order of consumption.6. Be confident from the beginning that the application of these sound principles will produce the desired results (Wholesome Quotes)
It is my fixed conviction that if a parent can give his children a passionate and wholesome devotion to the outdoors, the fact that he cannot leave each of them a fortune does not really matter so much (Wholesome Quotes)
Cookery, or the art of preparing good and wholesome food, and of preserving all sorts of alimentary substances in a state fit for human sustenance, or rendering that agreeable to the taste which is essential to the support of life, and of pleasing the palate without injury to the system, is, strictly speaking, a branch of chemistry; but, important as it is both to our enjoyments and our health, it is also one of the latest cultivated branches of the science (Wholesome Quotes)
Know that whatever is happening in your life right now, it’s there for a reason. Just accept the things the way they are. Just relax and let go of all the mental constructs that your mind is creating. Acceptance leads to wholesome right action (Wholesome Quotes)
In my suffrage work, I learned beyond question that the news coming through the great press agencies was colored and distorted; and if this has been done on one subject, it has doubtless been done on others. A good many women, I think, learned a wholesome distrust of press reports during the suffrage struggle (Wholesome Quotes)
I know the joy of skating on a clear cold day. I know the joy of getting off a perfect drive in golf. I know the delight of a fine meal after a long walk. These are real and wholesome, but all of them put together can not approach the thrill of ridding yourself of fear! (Wholesome Quotes)
Eloquence is the child of knowledge. When a mind is full, like a wholesome river, it is also clear (Wholesome Quotes)
Broad, wholesome, charitable views.. can not be acquired by vegetating in one’s little corner of the earth (Wholesome Quotes)
A good and wholesome thing is a little harmless fun in this world; it tones a body up and keeps him human and prevents him from souring (Wholesome Quotes)
A certain amount of distrust is wholesome, but not so much of others as of ourselves; neither vanity not conceit can exist in the same atmosphere with it (Wholesome Quotes)
All the students have shown more advance in two months of summer study than they have in a year of ordinary instruction, largely due to their free and wholesome life in the open air (Wholesome Quotes)
Language should fulfill your individual existence as a wholesome human being... Language should be more than just getting by (Wholesome Quotes)
Wonder and humility are wholesome emotions and they do not exist side by side with a lust for destruction (Wholesome Quotes)
There is certainly no single remedy for this condition and I am offering no panacea. But it seems reasonable to believe - and I do believe - that the more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us the less taste we shall have for the destruction of our race. Wonder and humility are wholesome emotions, and they do not exist side by side with a lust for destruction (Wholesome Quotes)
Whatsoever stirs the stagnant currents, setting these flowing in wholesome directions, promotes brisk spirits and productive thinking. The less of routine, the more of life (Wholesome Quotes)
Ourselves are cosmic and capacious beyond conjecture, and to experience some notion of the planetary perspective is the richest income from travelling. It takes all to inform and educate all. Sallies forth from our cramped firesides into other homes, other hearts, are wonderfully wholesome and enlarging. Travel opens prospects on all sides, widens our horizon, liberates the mind from geographical and conventional limitations, from local prejudices and national, showing the globe in its differing climates, zones, and latitudes of intelligence (Wholesome Quotes)
Blessed be the man whose work drives him. Something must drive men; and if it is wholesome industry, they have no time for a thousand torments and temptations (Wholesome Quotes)
I do not compare the past with the present without a prejudice for either, but, great as the improvement in country life is in many respects, it seems a pity the old cheap, wholesome dishes have gone to make way for tinned and preserved foods (Wholesome Quotes)
I think there are many faces to everyone. I also have my bad sides. Also I think everyone is trying to improve their shortcomings to become more wholesome (Wholesome Quotes)
Every now and again it would be considered wholesome for me to be more with people of my own age. Demotion to such company was a sapless exile. Their inanity was insufferable (Wholesome Quotes)
It always seems to me as if the lavender was a little woman in a green dress, with a lavender bonnet and a white kerchief. She’s one of those strong, sweet, wholesome people, who always rest you, and her sweetness lingers long after she goes away (Wholesome Quotes)
I love going out to clubs. Granted, I don’t get hammered or do anything to embarrass myself. I’d call myself wholesome but it’s not like I only drink milk (Wholesome Quotes)
I was most incorrigibly devoted to versifying, and all my spouse’s wholesome admonitions had no manner of effect on me; in short, I believe this scribbling itch is an incurable disease (Wholesome Quotes)
Ours was a storytelling family even in pleasing times, and in those days my parents looked on words as our sustenance, rich in their flavor and wholesome for the soul (Wholesome Quotes)
I think people really want to see the real because the world is portrayed at such a low level that if you come out with a real wholesome show, people don’t want to see that anymore (Wholesome Quotes)
Edible, adj.: Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm (Wholesome Quotes)
Reflection is a flower of the mind, giving out wholesome fragrance; but revelry is the same flower, when rank and running to seed (Wholesome Quotes)
One must learn to love oneself with a wholesome and healthy love, so that one can bear to be with oneself and need not roam (Wholesome Quotes)
Love labor: for if thou dost not want it for food, thou mayest for physic. It is wholesome for thy body and good for thy mind (Wholesome Quotes)
Starbucks is committed to evolving and enhancing our customer experience with innovative and wholesome food offerings (Wholesome Quotes)