Whom Quotes

Text Quotes
Much literary criticism comes from people for whom extreme specialization is a cover for either grave cerebral inadequacy or terminal laziness, the latter being a much cherished aspect of academic freedom (Whom Quotes)
What constitutes a real, live human being is more of a mystery than ever these days, and men each one of whom is a valuable, unique experiment on the part of nature are shot down wholesale (Whom Quotes)
There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at, and who steals what is most precious to men: time (Whom Quotes)
Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey (Whom Quotes)
I am one, my liege, whom the vile blows and buffets of the world have so incensed that I am reckless what I do to spite the world (Whom Quotes)
Be assured those will be thy worst enemies, not to whom thou hast done evil, but who have done evil to thee. And those will be thy best friends, not to whom thou hast done good, but who have done good to thee (Whom Quotes)
Men are fair, and they have learned not to personalize anger - they can disagree with you and argue to the bone, but afterward they still consider you a nice person with whom the underlying human relationship need not be altered (Whom Quotes)
Jesus is the God whom we can approach without pride and before whom we can humble ourselves without despair (Whom Quotes)
To you your father should be as a god; one that compos'd your beauties; yea, and one, to whom you are but as a form in wax, by him imprinted, and within his power to leave the figure, or disfigure it (Whom Quotes)
Therefore I say again I utterly abhor, yea, from my soul refuse you for my judge, whom yet once more I hold my most malicious for and think not at all a friend to truth (Whom Quotes)
I must have liberty withal, as large a charter as the wind, to blow on whom I please, for so fools have (Whom Quotes)
Take your paper too, and let me have them very well perfumed, for she is sweeter than perfume itself To whom they go (Whom Quotes)
Death is the liberator of him whom freedom cannot release, the physician of him whom medicine cannot cure, and the comforter of him whom time cannot console (Whom Quotes)
Adapt yourself to the things among which your lot has been cast and love sincerely the fellow creatures with whom destiny has ordained that you shall live (Whom Quotes)
The last thing a woman will consent to discover in a man whom she loves, or on whom she simply depends, is want of courage (Whom Quotes)
A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could (Whom Quotes)
To state the facts frankly is not to despair the future nor indict the past. The prudent heir takes careful inventory of his legacies and gives a faithful accounting to those whom he owes an obligation of trust (Whom Quotes)
Better be with the dead, whom we to gain our peace, have sent to peace, than on the torture of the mind to lie In restless ecstasy (Whom Quotes)
Good manners is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse. Whoever makes the fewest people uneasy is the best bred in the room (Whom Quotes)
How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams (Whom Quotes)
France is not poetic; she even feels, in fact, a congenital horror of poetry. Among the writers who use verse, those whom she will always prefer are the most prosaic (Whom Quotes)
I am the only child of parents who weighed, measured, and priced everything; for whom what could not be weighed, measured, and priced, had no existence (Whom Quotes)
Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee (Whom Quotes)
Death be not proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so. For, those, whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow. Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me (Whom Quotes)
Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other who never forgets them (Whom Quotes)
Anger is the most impotent of passions. It effects nothing it goes about, and hurts the one who is possessed by it more than the one against whom it is directed (Whom Quotes)
The absence of old friends one can endure with equanimity. But even a momentary separation from anyone to whom one has just been introduced is almost unbearable (Whom Quotes)
All authority is quite degrading. It degrades those who exercise it, and degrades those over whom it is exercised (Whom Quotes)
He to whom the present is the only thing that is present, knows nothing of the age in which he lives (Whom Quotes)
Better the rule of one, whom all obey, than to let clamorous demagogues betray our freedom with the kiss of anarchy (Whom Quotes)