Whose Quotes

Text Quotes
Except among those whose education has been in the minimalist style, it is understood that hasty moral judgments about the past are a form of injustice (Whose Quotes)
For the sake of argument and illustration I will presume that certain articles of ordinary diet, however beneficial in youth, are prejudicial in advanced life, like beans to a horse, whose common ordinary food is hay and corn (Whose Quotes)
Friendship is held to be the severest test of character. It is easy, we think, to be loyal to a family and clan, whose blood is in your own veins (Whose Quotes)
I am a person whose father had no religion but who went to the nuns for a couple of years. And I think I’m the same: On one hand, I pray; on the other hand, I don’t believe. I am constantly between the two (Whose Quotes)
I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party (Whose Quotes)
I had a friend whose family had dinner together. The mother would tuck you in at night and make breakfast in the morning. They even had a spare bike for a friend. It just seemed so amazing to me (Whose Quotes)
I was silent as a child, and silenced as a young woman; I am taking my lumps and bumps for being a big mouth, now, but usually from those whose opinion I don’t respect (Whose Quotes)
Liturgy is like a strong tree whose beauty is derived from the continuous renewal of its leaves, but whose strength comes from the old trunk, with solid roots in the ground (Whose Quotes)
Meanwhile, our young men and women whose economic circumstances make military service a viable career choice are dying bravely in a war with no end in sight (Whose Quotes)
To fall in love is easy, even to remain in it is not difficult; our human loneliness is cause enough. But it is a hard quest worth making to find a comrade through whose steady presence one becomes steadily the person one desires to be (Whose Quotes)
True poetry is similar to certain pictures whose owner is unknown and which only a few initiated people know (Whose Quotes)
One of the things that became clear, and which was actually rather disturbing, was the fact that there was a view which was being expressed by people whose scientific credentials you can’t question (Whose Quotes)
I like to do little obsessed losers, or people who are in over their head, or people who are trying to figure stuff out, or guys whose girlfriends leave them and they don’t quite get it. Guys who just don’t quite get it (Whose Quotes)
Those children who are beaten will in turn give beatings, those who are intimidated will be intimidating, those who are humiliated will impose humiliation, and those whose souls are murdered will murder (Whose Quotes)
An aristocracy in a republic is like a chicken whose head has been cut off: it may run about in a lively way, but in fact it is dead (Whose Quotes)
As years passed away I have formed the habit of looking back upon that former self as upon another person, the remembrance of whose emotions has been a solace in adversity and added zest to the enjoyment of prosperity (Whose Quotes)
The latest page I’ve been working is about the organization of the pantheon of the gods. Who’s indebted to whom, how they are related, who screwed whose uncle or grandmother, all of that (Whose Quotes)
A father is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way (Whose Quotes)
A satirist is a man whose flesh creeps so at the ugly and the savage and the incongruous aspects of society that he has to express them as brutally and nakedly as possible in order to get relief (Whose Quotes)
The universe is asymmetric and I am persuaded that life, as it is known to us, is a direct result of the asymmetry of the universe or of its indirect consequences. The universe is asymmetric. Acknowledging the role of molecules that have stereoisomers, some the mirror image of the others, and microorganisms whose chemistry prefers only one of those forms (Whose Quotes)
Any father whose son raises his hand against him is guilty of having produced a son who raised his hand against him (Whose Quotes)
Consistency is found in that work whose whole and detail are suitable to the occasion. It arises from circumstance, custom, and nature (Whose Quotes)
Thus the castle of each feudal chieftain became a school of chivalry, into which any noble youth, whose parents were from poverty unable to educate him to the art of war, was readily received (Whose Quotes)
When one person makes an accusation, check to be sure he himself is not the guilty one. Sometimes it is those whose case is weak who make the most clamour (Whose Quotes)
There is in every madman a misunderstood genius whose idea, shining in his head, frightened people, and for whom delirium was the only solution to the strangulation that life had prepared for him (Whose Quotes)
There are a couple of teachers I have had without whose influence I would not be as happy with who I am (Whose Quotes)
Those from whose pocket the salary is drawn, and by whose appointment the officer was made, have always a right to discuss the merits of their officers, and their modes of exercising the duties they are paid to perform (Whose Quotes)
God, I’d love to do a big commercial movie that made a lot of money and whose plot was interesting too (Whose Quotes)
It was so wonderful outside that even the wild senselessness of this enormous death, whose music I hear again and again, could not disturb me from my great enjoyment! (Whose Quotes)
What a mysterious thing madness is. I have watched patients whose lips are forever sealed in a perpetual silence. They live, breathe, eat; the human form is there, but that something, which the body can live without, but which cannot exist without the body, was missing (Whose Quotes)