Why, he wondered, should he remember her suddenly, on such a day, watching the rain falling on the apple trees?

Why, he wondered, should he remember her suddenly, on such a day, watching the rain falling on the apple trees?
In the world of Daphne du Maurier, the question of memory and its significance is a recurring theme. The quote, “Why, he wondered, should he remember her suddenly, on such a day, watching the rain falling on the apple trees?” encapsulates this theme perfectly. The protagonist, in this case, is grappling with the sudden recollection of a person from his past, triggered by a seemingly mundane event - the rain falling on the apple trees.Du Maurier often explores the complexities of memory and its impact on our lives in her works. Memories have the power to shape our perceptions, influence our decisions, and ultimately define who we are. In this particular instance, the protagonist is confronted with a memory that has resurfaced unexpectedly, causing him to reflect on its significance.
The rain falling on the apple trees serves as a metaphor for the passage of time and the inevitability of change. Just as the rain nourishes the trees and helps them grow, memories can nourish our souls and help us grow as individuals. The protagonist’s sudden recollection of this person from his past may be a reminder of a time when things were simpler, or a time when he was happier. It may also be a reminder of a lost love or a missed opportunity.
Du Maurier’s exploration of memory in this context raises questions about the nature of nostalgia and its role in shaping our identities. Do we remember people and events from our past because they hold a special significance for us, or do we remember them simply because they are familiar? Are our memories accurate reflections of reality, or are they distorted by time and emotion?
Ultimately, the protagonist’s contemplation of this memory serves as a poignant reminder of the power of the past to influence the present. It is a reminder that our memories, no matter how fleeting or insignificant they may seem, have the power to shape our lives in profound ways.