Why is it that you can sometimes feel the reality of people more keenly through a letter than face to face?

Why is it that you can sometimes feel the reality of people more keenly through a letter than face to face?
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, the acclaimed author and aviator, was known for her introspective and deeply personal writing style. In her letters, she was able to convey her thoughts and emotions with a raw honesty that often resonated with readers on a profound level. It is this ability to connect with others through the written word that allows us to sometimes feel the reality of people more keenly through a letter than face to face.One reason for this phenomenon is the power of reflection and introspection that comes with writing a letter. When we sit down to put our thoughts on paper, we have the opportunity to carefully consider our words and express ourselves in a way that is not always possible in a face-to-face conversation. This allows us to delve deeper into our emotions and experiences, giving the reader a more intimate glimpse into our inner world.
In the case of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, her letters were often filled with poignant reflections on her life, her relationships, and her struggles. Through her writing, she was able to convey the complexities of her thoughts and feelings in a way that touched the hearts of her readers. Her letters were a window into her soul, allowing others to see the world through her eyes and feel the depth of her emotions.
Another reason why we can sometimes feel the reality of people more keenly through a letter is the element of distance and separation that comes with written communication. When we are face to face with someone, there are often distractions and barriers that can inhibit true connection. But in a letter, there is a sense of intimacy and vulnerability that comes from sharing our innermost thoughts with someone from a distance. This can create a deeper sense of empathy and understanding between the writer and the reader.