Wice Quotes

Text Quotes
Once or twice I’ve been described as a light comedian. I consider this the most accurate description of my abilities I’ve ever seen (Wice Quotes)
I don’t even think twice about wearing a swimsuit because it’s always been a part of my lifestyle (Wice Quotes)
They say that lightning never strikes in the same place twice, but the same is not true for courage. As it turns out, when courage strikes, it almost always begets more courage (Wice Quotes)
You can’t do kaizen just once or twice and expect immediate results. You have to be in it for the long haul (Wice Quotes)
If you deceive me once shame on you because I have trusted you once and you have deceived me, if you deceive me twice shame on me because I have learnt my lessons and you have deceive me and if you deceive me for the third time shame on me because am a compound fool (Wice Quotes)
If a person wants to be a part of your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. Think twice before reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to stay (Wice Quotes)
If we were to go back in time 100 years and ask a farmer what he’d like if he could have anything, he’d probably say he wanted a horse that was twice as strong and ate half as many oats. He would not say he wanted a tractor. The point is, technology changes things so fast that many people aren’t sure what the best solutions to their problems might be (Wice Quotes)
Kindness is twice blessed. It blesses the one who gives it with a sense of his or her own capacity to love, and the person who receives it with a sense of the beneficence of the universe (Wice Quotes)
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it (Wice Quotes)
Women hate each other in science. You know why? Because the few that are around were trained by men. They survived by being twice as good and twice as competitive and twice as badass as the guys (Wice Quotes)
There comes a time in every man’s life when he wakes up drunk on the toilet and begins to doubt the choices he has made. and when that time comes at least twice a day, every day. something needs to be done (Wice Quotes)
If unable to abstain from drinking, a man may get drunk three times a month; if he does it more than three times he is culpable; if he gets drunk twice a month it is better; if once a month, this is still more laudable; and if one does not drink at all what can be better? But where can I find such a man? If such a man were found he would be worthy of the highest esteem (Wice Quotes)
You can’t write the same book twice. Though I’ve been in historical musical situations, I can’t go back and do that again. And though I run into artistic crises, they keep my life interesting (Wice Quotes)
If you could see or feel the suffering you wouldn’t think twice. Give back life. Don’t eat meat (Wice Quotes)
Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it in the same way twice (Wice Quotes)
There are three proven rules for good teeth: brush after every meal; see your dentist twice a year; and mind your own business (Wice Quotes)
Never complain or make excuses. If something seems unfair, just prove yourself by working twice as hard and being twice as good (Wice Quotes)
There has been a great proliferation of lawyers in the pat 20 years, just as there has been a proliferation of computers. But unlike computers, lawyers do not get twice as intelligent and half as expensive every two years (Wice Quotes)
His herding instinct is so strong that he confuses tractors on a baseball field for sheep. He was hospitalized twice. Once by a line drive and once for attacking a tractor tread (Wice Quotes)
I can knit. I knit all year, day in, day out. It is my passion, and I rarely knit the same thing twice the same way (Wice Quotes)
Every man, therefore, who expects justification by works, must see to it, not that he is better than other men, or that he is very exact and does many things, or that he fasts twice in the week, and gives tithes of all he possesses, but that he is sinless (Wice Quotes)
One suggestion my wife and I have used in our personal finance courses we teach at college is simply writing down all expenditures and seeing where the money goes. That alone will cause heads of households to think twice about x, y or z expenditure, and to consider carefully whether they really need something or not (Wice Quotes)
Most people wish to be consoled, confirmed. They want their prejudices reinforced and their structured belief systems validated. After all, it hurts to think, and it’s absolute agony to think twice (Wice Quotes)
She thinks, I failed twice. If I failed twice I’m going to fail forever. No! That is not the law of life. If you failed twice that means you can learn. It’s just a learning experience. It’s an obstacle. An imaginary obstacle. She made it real. She made failing a journey of life... Instead do again and make a journey of your life (Wice Quotes)
For a woman to get half as much credit as a man, she has to work twice as hard, and be twice as smart. Fortunately, that isn’t difficult (Wice Quotes)
The good teacher discovers the natural gifts of his pupils and liberates them by the stimulating influence of the inspiration that he can impart. The true leader makes his followers twice the men they were before (Wice Quotes)
When I was a waiter I was fired twice from the same restaurant. I guess I was that good of an actor but that bad of a waiter (Wice Quotes)
I’m twice as funny, I’m twice as smart, I’m twice as whatever when I’m around other people that challenge me (Wice Quotes)
There are those who open their hearts to others... who never think twice about giving of themselves. They are the wonderful warmhearted people who make all the difference in our lives (Wice Quotes)
I’m the ugly sister. I’m the fat one. I’m the transvestite. I have had those mean things said about me at least twice a day for the last five years. It’s horrible, you know? But I can brush that stuff off (Wice Quotes)