Wicked Quotes

Text Quotes
I didn’t start sweating until I had children. That was one of the first things I realized when my daughter Violet was born - I started getting wicked BO. You know there’s a difference between basketball BO and stress BO? This was definitely stress BO. Like, new dad BO. (Wicked Quotes)
Nashville is wicked. It’s like a proper music community, but it’s also quintessentially American. You bump into people there with cowboy hats that spit in jars and call you ‘boy.’ I just love that. (Wicked Quotes)
For an absurd moment, I wondered if Ammit devoured the hearts of wicked cows, and if he liked the beefy taste. - Carter Kane (Wicked Quotes)
Our nation is being led astray by ungodly judges, mayors and governors, who are given to change, defying the Constitution and substituting their own wicked agendas. (Wicked Quotes)
The subtle and deadly change of heart that might occur in you would be involved with the realization that a civilization is not destroyed by wicked people; it is not necessary that people be wicked but only that they be spineless. (Wicked Quotes)
[On women as priests:] It has always seemed very odd to me that this particular sphere of activity should remain a male closed shop, seeing that, to judge from church attendance, women are the more religious sex - while our criminal statistics make quite clear that they are the least wicked. (Wicked Quotes)
It is a wicked sophistry to justify the worldliness of the Church by the cross of Christ (Wicked Quotes)
Patriotism at the expense of another nation is as wicked as racism at the expense of another race. . . Let us resolve to be patriots always, nationalists never. Let us love our country, but pledge allegiance to the earth and to the flora and fauna and human life that it supports - one planet indivisible, with clean air,... soil and water; with liberty, justice and peace for all. (Wicked Quotes)
Perhaps to be able to learn things quickly isn’t everything. To be kind is worth a great deal to other people...Lots of clever people have done harm and have been wicked. (Wicked Quotes)
And the wicked thing is, that when we’re really upset, we always take it out on the people who are closest and whom we love the most. (Wicked Quotes)
Nobody can deny but religion is a comfort to the distressed, a cordial to the sick, and sometimes a restraint on the wicked; therefore whoever would argue or laugh it out of the world without giving some equivalent for it ought to be treated as a common enemy. (Wicked Quotes)
Among so many conflicting ideas and so many different perspectives, the honest man is confused and distressed and the skeptic becomes wicked ... Since one must take sides, one might as well choose the side that is victorious, the side which devastates, loots, and burns. Considering the alternative, it is better to eat than to be eaten. (Wicked Quotes)
I have firmly decided to bite the dust with a minimum of medical assistance when my time comes, and up to then to sin to my wicked heart’s content. (Wicked Quotes)
This king governs without decapitation or corporal punishments. Criminals are simply fined, lightly or heavily, according to the circumstances. Even in cases of repeated attempts at wicked rebellion, they only have their right hands cut off... Throughout the country the people do not kill any living creature . . . (Wicked Quotes)
I’m not just a big-haired redhead country singer who dresses flamboyantly, has this wicked sense of humor and wears rhinestones. (Wicked Quotes)
Vulgar and obscene, the papers run rumors daily about people in show business, tales of wicked ways and witless affairs. (Wicked Quotes)
I’m very physical. I’m extremely active, and I would love to do something a little more sexy and dangerous, a la Sophia Loren, or funny and humorous, a la Woody Allen. Getting to do things along those lines would be extremely wicked and a dream come true. (Wicked Quotes)
Schools are not intended to moralize a wicked world, but to impart knowledge and develop intelligence, with only two social aims in mind: prepare to take on one’s share in the world’s work, and perhaps in addition, lend a hand in improving society, after schooling is done. (Wicked Quotes)
[He] had a hole in his soul, the kind the devil loves to find. It’s like an open doorway for him, lets him enter in and do his wicked work. (Wicked Quotes)
I met Elton John at an Interview dinner, and we just sort of became friends. He’s got such a wicked sense of humor. (Wicked Quotes)
Oh, youth is a wicked, cruel thing - eating miracles with its breakfast and not knowing they are not porridge. (Wicked Quotes)
GM has never been about feeding the world or tackling environmental problems. It is and has always been about control of the global food economy by a tiny handful of giant corporations. It’s not wicked to question that process. It is wicked not to. (Wicked Quotes)
On every occasion of uneasiness, we should retire to prayer, that we may give place to the grace and light of God and then form our resolutions, without being in any pain about what success they may have. In the greatest temptations, a single look to Christ, and the barely pronouncing his name, suffices to overcome the wicked one, so it be done with confidence and calmness of spirit. (Wicked Quotes)
Nothing is so good that impious and sacrilegious and wicked people cannot contort its proper benefit into evil. (Wicked Quotes)
Everybody has a wicked side, whether they are six or sixty, and yet so often storytelling draws a sharp line between good and evil. (Wicked Quotes)
After the evil spirit of a narrow Scholastic orthodoxy has been driven out, in the end seven much more wicked spirits return in its place. (Wicked Quotes)
Without the lord to shield you and guide you, you gonna fade away. Jah is your shield and your guide. The wicked man gotta turn aside. No need to fear no wicked guide. Rastafari protect your life! (Wicked Quotes)
Tell me the story, Pew. . . . It was a woman. You always say that. There’s always a woman somewhere, child; a princess, a witch, a stepmother, a mermaid, a fairy godmother, or one as wicked as she is beautiful, or as beautiful as she is good. Is that the complete list? Then there is the woman you love. Who’s she? That’s another story. (Wicked Quotes)
The result of these ungodly unions was a race of very wicked and very powerful hybrid (half-fallen angel, half-human) offspring - the Nephilim - who corrupted, harassed, even killed mankind. Now, at the end of the 20th century, we have the return of alien entities with apparent supernatural powers. (Wicked Quotes)
My Aunt Marsha ruled the family with a rod of iron. She was one wicked, mean woman. (Wicked Quotes)