Widespread Quotes

Text Quotes
Racism is so universal in this country, so widespread and deepseated, that it is invisible because it is so normal (Widespread Quotes)
Measurement has too often been the leitmotif of many investigations rather than the experimental examination of hypotheses. Mounds of data are collected, which are statistically decorous and methodologically unimpeachable, but conclusions are often trivial and rarely useful in decision making. This results from an overly rigorous control of an insignificant variable and a widespread deficiency in the framing of pertinent questions. Investigators seem to have settled for what is measurable instead of measuring what they would really like to know (Widespread Quotes)
Their suffering is intense, widespread, expanding, systematic and socially sanctioned. And the victims are unable to organize in defence of their own interests (Widespread Quotes)
The trick is to realize that one is not important, except insofar as one’s example can serve to elucidate a more widespread human trait and make readers feel a little less lonely and freakish (Widespread Quotes)
There is no actual starvation or deaths from starvation but there is widespread mortality from diseases due to malnutrition (Widespread Quotes)
A widespread taste for pornography means that nature is alerting us to some threat of extinction (Widespread Quotes)
Freedom without the strength to support it and, if need be, defend it, would be a cruel delusion. And the strength to defend freedom can itself only come from widespread industrialisation and the infusion of modern science and technology into the country’s economic life (Widespread Quotes)
Antonia was very conscious of the corrosive power of envy and felt that it was this emotion, more than any other, which lay behind human unhappiness. People did not realize how widespread envy was (Widespread Quotes)
I see a future in which games once again are explicitly designed to improve quality of life, to prevent suffering, and to create real, widespread happiness (Widespread Quotes)
Who can think without horror of what another widespread war would mean, waged as it would be with all the new weapons of mass destruction (Widespread Quotes)
So when the world knocks at your front door, clutch the knob and open on up, running forward into its widespread greeting arms with your hands before you, fingertips trembling though they may be (Widespread Quotes)
What we eat has changed more in the last 40 years than in the previous 40,000. The survival of the current food system depends upon widespread ignorance of how it really operates (Widespread Quotes)
Rice is the best, the most nutritive and unquestionably the most widespread staple in the world (Widespread Quotes)
In times past, knowledge of the bowel was more widespread and people were taught how to care for the bowel. Somehow bowel wisdom got lost and it became something that no one wanted to talk about anymore (Widespread Quotes)
There is so much pressure on women to be heterosexual, and this pressure is both so pervasive and so completely denied, that I think heterosexuality cannot come naturally to many women: I think that widespread heterosexuality among women is a highly artificial product of the patriarchy... I think that most women have to be coerced into heterosexuality (Widespread Quotes)
The argument of socialists, that people really want to share, beyond a reasonable level of charity, is rubbish, though it is espoused by a lot of rich, pious hypocrites who want to share only enough to avoid widespread starvation, mob violence, and government seizure of more of their incomes (Widespread Quotes)
My suggestion to newspapers everywhere is to give the public a reason to read them again. So here’s an idea: get on a big story with widespread public appeal, devote your best resources to it, say a quiet prayer, and swing for the fences (Widespread Quotes)
The exploitation of women, mass hunger, disregard for freedom of conscience and for freedom of speech, widespread and racial discrimination all these evils are far too prevalent to be overlooked (Widespread Quotes)
The ability to learn is older as it is also more widespread than is the ability to teach (Widespread Quotes)
Revolution requires extensive and widespread destruction, a fecund and renovating destruction, since in this way and only this way are new worlds born (Widespread Quotes)
I’ve long believed one of the mainsprings of our own liberty has been the widespread ownership of property among our people and the expectation that anyone’s child, even from the humblest of families, could grow up to own a business or corporation (Widespread Quotes)
Could there be anything but widespread misery, where a privileged few controlled a nation’s wealth, while millions labored for a pittance, and millions more were desperate for want of employment? (Widespread Quotes)
A society in which there is widespread economic insecurity can turn freedom into a barren and vapid right for millions of people (Widespread Quotes)
After decades of declining influence on the affairs of the world, there is once again a widespread consideration of spritual principles as an antidote to the pain of our times (Widespread Quotes)
It takes people who have a widespread series of experiences to develop future leaders. It takes people who aren’t afraid to challenge and move forward (Widespread Quotes)
Political correctness is an intellectual sickness. It means lying when telling the truth is not expedient. It is a disgusting habit and yet it is so widespread and so common that it is considered to be normal (Widespread Quotes)
There comes a time when even the reformer is compelled to face the fairly widespread suspicion of the average man that politics is an exhibition in which there is much ado about nothing (Widespread Quotes)
For many people, commuting is the worst part of the day, and policies that can make commuting shorter and more convenient would be a straightforward way to reduce minor but widespread suffering (Widespread Quotes)
There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them (Widespread Quotes)
Wildlife of the world is disappearing... simply because of a general and widespread ignorance and neglect (Widespread Quotes)