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Wife Quotes

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My wife runs the house much better than I could so I think she could be a linesman or a referee or even a football manager and that’s the truth  (Wife Quotes) When a man says it’s a silly childish game, it’s probably something his wife can beat him at  (Wife Quotes) Contrary to what people say, my wife never turned me away from the presidency. She told me to reflect on it and do what I wanted  (Wife Quotes) Every time I look into the mirror, I want to see a man whose mother, sister, wife and daughter are proud to call their own  (Wife Quotes) My parents didn’t have the opportunities that my wife and I have now, from a quality of life standpoint  (Wife Quotes) The savage who loves himself, his wife and child with quiet joy and glows with limited activity of his tribe as for his own life is in my opinion a more real being than that cultivated shadow who is enraptured with the shadow of the whole species  (Wife Quotes) It was good to be out there again. Actually I told my wife the same thing: Itll be fun to go out in a stadium on a field competing. Even though it was just a scrimmage  (Wife Quotes) What the hell could you do? I’ve never been arrested, I haven’t taken drugs, I’ve had the same wife for 54 years where’s anything of interest to people?  (Wife Quotes) As the father of six children, I want to know that when my wife or I drop our kids off at school they will be safe from predators, crime and violence  (Wife Quotes) I suppose really I was a wife, a mother and a business woman, and then suddenly catapulted into this kind of world of craziness where it’s… there’s good sides and there’s bad sides…I wouldn’t kind of turn the clock back and take another direction  (Wife Quotes) Death does not simply end life. It steals away the sunsets you’ll never see, the children you’ll ever hold, the wife you’ll never love. It’s frightening to almost lose your future and it’s heartbreaking to witness death snuff out other people’s tomorrows  (Wife Quotes) I don’t need to go into office for the power. I have houses all over the world, stupendous boats... beautiful airplanes, a beautiful wife, a beautiful family... I am making a sacrifice  (Wife Quotes) It’s not a good idea to put your wife into a novel; not your latest wife anyway  (Wife Quotes) I’m in for work at 6.30am and one of the last to leave. I don’t want to go home. We have beds at the training ground and I go home sometimes and say to my wife: Do you know something, I didn’t want to leave work today! It’s not a slight on my wife. It’s just a great position to be in when you love your job so much  (Wife Quotes) The weather’s cold. My club’s bad. My knee hurts. I can’t putt no more. I’m off my diet. My wife is nagging me. Other than that, everything’s great  (Wife Quotes) I don’t travel by airplane. I mean that because when my wife, my kids and I travel on trains or boats, we meet a lot of people and we talk to them  (Wife Quotes) Never let a domestic quarrel ruin a day’s writing. If you can’t start the day fresh, get rid of your wife  (Wife Quotes) You are the earth. We are sky and earth united... You are my husband. You are my wife. My feet shall run because of you. My feet shall dance because of you. My heart shall beat because of you. My eyes see because of you. My mind thinks because of you and I shall love because of you  (Wife Quotes) I know I’m honest and dependable, usually. I know I’m always dependable for my wife. I’m always at home and I’m always there to help  (Wife Quotes) I want to be a lawyer, a dancer, an actress, a mother, a wife, a childrens author, a distance runner, a poet, a pianist, a pet store owner, an astronaut, an environmental and humanitarian activist, a psychiatrist, a ballet teacher, and the first woman president  (Wife Quotes) Dad was a hypocrite. He could talk about peace and love to the world but he could never show it to his wife and son  (Wife Quotes) And with each step my heart broke for the person I would never find, the person who’d love me. And then I would remember I had a wife at home who loved me, or later that my wife had left me and I was terrirfied, or again later that I had a beautiful alcoholic girlfriend who would make me happy forever. But every time I entered the place there were veiled faces promising everything and then clarifying quickly into the dull, the usual, looking up at me and making the same mistake  (Wife Quotes) Husband and wife are like the two equal parts of a soybean. If the two parts are put under the earth separately, they will not grow. The soybean will grow only when the parts are covered by the skin. Marriage is the skin which covers each of them and makes them one  (Wife Quotes) In adopting the republican form of government, I not only took it as a man does his wife, for better, for worse, but, what few men do with their wives, I took it knowing all its bad qualities  (Wife Quotes) I’ve got my wife. I’ve got my four kids. I’ve got parents, grandparents still, and three really good friends. It’s all you need. I’d rather have three really good friends than 20 good friends  (Wife Quotes) They are not said to be husband and wife, who merely sit together. Rather they alone are called husband and wife, who have one soul in two bodies  (Wife Quotes) For some people, history is simply what your wife looks good standing in front of. It’s what’s cast in bronze, or framed in sepia tones, or acted out with wax dummies and period furniture. It takes place in glass bubbles filled with water and chunks of plastic snow; it’s stamped on souvenir pencils and summarized in reprint newspapers. History nowadays is recorded in memorabilia. If you can’t purchase a shopping bag that alludes to something, people won’t believe it ever happened  (Wife Quotes) The understanding smile of an old wife to her husband is one of the loveliest things in the world  (Wife Quotes) What am I grateful for? Aside from my own great life, you mean? I’m just grateful that my wife, and daughter, and dogs are all healthy  (Wife Quotes) God pity the tortured hearts that will pant through this night! And the agony of the poor wife who has heard that her husband is really killed!  (Wife Quotes)
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