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Wife Quotes

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When we travel, most of us take too much. I always work on the assumption that I’m going to take everything with me because I don’t want the second wife to have anything if the plane crashes  (Wife Quotes) People are led to reason thus: a woman who is a wife is one who has made a permanent sex bargain for her maintenance; the woman who is not married must therefore make a temporary bargain of the same kind  (Wife Quotes) The reason modern poetry is difficult is so that the poet’s wife cannot understand it  (Wife Quotes) If home is to have a greater lure than a tavern the wife must be at least as cheerful as the waitress  (Wife Quotes) A man who sacrifices for his wife and serves her becomes much more attractive to her  (Wife Quotes) In my private circle I am a mother, grandmother, wife, friend, daughter... the success means nothing to my small tribe  (Wife Quotes) I have a job to do, I have a wife and child to take care of. So I don’t pay attention to things that I don’t know anything about. I’ve got my own situation to deal with  (Wife Quotes) What would possess a family where’s there’s a husband and wife to want 12 kids or 18 kids? That’s just what they feel is meaningful to them. Their family. Expanding a family  (Wife Quotes) My wife and I were poor when I started but we struggled along until things happened for me in my thirties. I knew I was doing what I loved even if I wasn’t getting paid for it, so I think I’d still be doing it  (Wife Quotes) I spend a lot of time alone and my wife understands that I need to be alone. I enjoy being alone. But I’m never lonely  (Wife Quotes) In my house, neither my wife nor my daughter are impressed that I’m on television, and they remind me of that frequently  (Wife Quotes) You have a choice in life. Would you rather be lonely or miserable? I would rather be lonely. A lot of people are miserable in a marriage and they don’t get along with their wife or husband and it’s not worth it  (Wife Quotes) The wife ought to have the first child and the husband the second, then there wouldn’t ever be any more  (Wife Quotes) My wife once said that if men had to worry about who was going to clean up the mess, there’d be a lot less violence in the world  (Wife Quotes) I actually believe in simplicity as a way of life. My wife and I are considering moving into a yurt!  (Wife Quotes) Days off are few and far between in the restaurant business. But on an hour off, I like to have a glass of wine with my wife  (Wife Quotes) I’m quite hyper, and my wife would prefer it if I sat down and read a book  (Wife Quotes) I’m around my kids every day. I’m regular. We’re a regular family. My wife cooks, she washes clothes, I read books, I pump my own gas, I get my own hair cut  (Wife Quotes) Actors come up and just blatantly hit on my wife in front of me and don’t even look at me  (Wife Quotes) It’s tough for those celebrity couples. It’s really hard. My wife wasn’t in the limelight, which made it easier... the key is to keep it happy, light, and fun  (Wife Quotes) I like writing books. I’d rather be at home with my wife. I can write, take a break, come out, have a glass of tea, give my wife a kiss, and go back in and write some more. It’s not so bad. I am really lucky  (Wife Quotes) I want to be with my wife. Sitting on a deckchair, sipping some tea, and reading books in a retirement home, in a beautiful and warm place. I’m a romantic guy  (Wife Quotes) I fell in love with my wife twenty years ago. I am only now, it seems, getting it through my very thick skull how lucky I am  (Wife Quotes) It drives me nuts how I rely on my wife for everything. I can’t imagine a day without her!  (Wife Quotes) I wake up at 5:30, 6 in the morning, but don’t head into the office right away. I like to hang out with my wife, talk about things, get some coffee, you know  (Wife Quotes) I remember when I met my wife and that she could just grab my hand and I would just ease. I don’t know how to say that but it was one of the coolest things. It was strange, but it definitely changed my life  (Wife Quotes) A consumer is not a moron. She’s your wife. Don’t insult her intelligence, and don’t shock her  (Wife Quotes) I still like going on the road and performing, but it’s getting tougher. I try to have my wife and the twins with me but it’s getting harder and harder for them. They need to be in a home environment and not traveling with me  (Wife Quotes) Democracy means doing whatever you want without asking permission of anybody but your boss, your doctor, your lawyer, your landlord, your bank, your city, your state and federal authorities, and your wife and children  (Wife Quotes) A woman’s place is in the home. Why should she go out and take away a workingman’s pay instead of staying home and stealing out of his jacket like a good wife  (Wife Quotes)
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