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And not only that, I also have the MacBook Air which is really cool. Even my wife is jealous of my MacBook Air  (Wife Quotes) Ann Romney makes all women proud by the way she has conducted her life as a strong woman of faith, as a mother, as a wife and as a true patriot  (Wife Quotes) Because wherever I am today, I still owe it to God and I owe it to two men - the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X and of course, two very special women, my mother and my wife  (Wife Quotes) You’re far too prickly tempered to be a mistress. You’re far better suited as a wife  (Wife Quotes) A man long accustomed to admire his wife in general, seldom pauses to admire her in a particular gown or attitude, unless his attention is directed to her by the appreciative gaze of another man  (Wife Quotes) You’re peculiar, you’re aggravating, yet you’re easy to forgive. You say you’re seventeen?.. How odd. How strange. And my wife thirty and yet you seem so much older at times. I can’t get over it  (Wife Quotes) He felt a momentary pang of regret that he had not spent more time with his beloved wife. But it passed when he remembered that the reason he’d gone to sea in the first place was that he had never really liked his beloved wife  (Wife Quotes) If your wife locks you out of the house, you don’t have a problem with your door  (Wife Quotes) The girls were expected to grow up to be somebody’s wife. They were also expected to read and write, those being considered soft indoor jobs that were too fiddly for the boys  (Wife Quotes) The air will always be to filled with something. Your body too sore or tired. Your father too drunk. Your wife too cold. You will always have some excuse not to live your life  (Wife Quotes) ... when a wife wouldn’t testify, little punishment was meted out. Alex came to understand that only those who pressed charges ever became truly free, because the life they were leading was a prison, even if most of them wouldn’t admit it  (Wife Quotes) One never realizes how different a husband and wife can be until they begin to pack for a trip  (Wife Quotes) When his wife was at his side, she was also in front of him, marking out the horizon of his life. Now the horizon is empty: the view has changed  (Wife Quotes) Nowadays he doesn’t think of his wife, though he knows he can turn around and evoke every move of her, describe any aspect of her, the weigh of her wrist on his heart during the night  (Wife Quotes) I want to tell you, don’t marry suffering. Some people do. They get married to it, and sleep and eat together, just as husband and wife. If they go with joy they think it’s adultery  (Wife Quotes) I began to feel that all the people I’d ever known who had died or left me had not in fact gone away, but continued to live on inside me just as this man’s wife lived on inside him  (Wife Quotes) Every unmarried man is looking for a wife. They just don’t always know it  (Wife Quotes) The love of a man for his wife, his child, of the land where he lives and works, is for me the real meaning of mystical experience  (Wife Quotes) Nathan always believed his wife was trying to poison him but he didn’t seem to mind. He said it made life kind of exciting  (Wife Quotes) Many families remain for years in the same place, though both husband and wife are sick of it, simply because there is neither complete division nor agreement between them  (Wife Quotes) When woman work outside the home and share breadwinning duties, couples are more likely to stay together. In fact, the risk of divorce reduces by about half when a wife earns half the income and a husband does half the housework  (Wife Quotes) When I saw my wife again standing by the tracks as the train came in by the piled logs at the station, I wished I had died before I had ever loved anyone but her  (Wife Quotes) A thrifty housewife is better than a great income. A good wife and health are a man’s best wealth  (Wife Quotes) The best friend will probably acquire the best wife, because a good marriage is founded on the talent for friendship  (Wife Quotes) Between husband and wife friendship seems to exist by nature, for man is naturally disposed to pairing  (Wife Quotes) There is something so indescribably sweet and satisfying in the knowledge that a husband or wife has forgiven the other freely, and from the heart  (Wife Quotes) I lived on rum, I tell you. It’s been meat and drink, and man and wife, to me  (Wife Quotes) As soon as I get through with you, you’ll have a clear case for divorce and so will my wife  (Wife Quotes) Your marriage goes to a whole new level. You not only fall in love with your wife in a new way, but you’re forced to pull together. You have to become a united front  (Wife Quotes) This book was written in those long hours I spent waiting for my wife to get dressed to go out. And if she had never gotten dressed at all this book would never have been written  (Wife Quotes)
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