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Wife Quotes

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You’ll often find that it’s not mom or dad, husband or wife, or the kids that’s stopping you. It’s you. Get out of your own way  (Wife Quotes) I choose faithfulness... Today I will keep my promises. My debtors will not regret their trust. My associates will not question my word. My wife will not question my love. And my children will never fear that they father will not come home  (Wife Quotes) My beautiful wife is dead. She meant everything to me. Her laughter, her tears and her joy will remain with me the rest of my life  (Wife Quotes) A man ought to be able to be fond of his wife without making a fool of himself about her  (Wife Quotes) I didn’t know every day I would be discussing the tone of my voice with my wife. I thought it was a marriage. Apparently, it’s a musical  (Wife Quotes) If you want your wife to listen to you, then talk to another woman; she will be all ears  (Wife Quotes) And as a man, who is attached to a prostitute, is unfitted to choose or judge of a wife, so any prepossession in favour of a rotten constitution of government will disable us from discerning a good one  (Wife Quotes) I’m a wife in watercolors I can wash away what seventeen cold showers couldn’t wash away  (Wife Quotes) A true artist will let his wife starve, his children go barefoot, his mother drudge for his living at seventy, sooner than work at anything but his art  (Wife Quotes) He who loses his money is forsaken by his friends, his wife, his servants and his relations; yet when he regains his riches those who have forsaken him come back to him. Hence wealth is certainly the best of relations  (Wife Quotes) Only picture to yourself a nice soft wife on a sofa with good fire, and books and music  (Wife Quotes) I think my wife and my kids are incredibly good to allow me to stay in public life given that they have to cop a whole lot of collateral attention that, being human, they’d rather not get  (Wife Quotes) The man who loves his wife above all else on earth gains the freedom and power to pursue other noble, but lesser, loves  (Wife Quotes) I should have known something was wrong with my first wife. When I brought her home to meet my parents, they approved of her  (Wife Quotes) When a man’s dog turns against hime, it is time for his wife to pack her trunk and go home to mamma  (Wife Quotes) The woman who cannot tell a lie in defense of her husband, is unworthy of the name of wife  (Wife Quotes) I already have a wife who is too much for me.. she is my art, and my works are my children  (Wife Quotes) A wicked wife, a false friend, a saucy servant and living in a house with a serpent in it are nothing but death  (Wife Quotes) In the mornings I used to say goodbye to my wife like someone going to work. I’d leave the house, walk around a few blocks, and come back like a person arriving at the office  (Wife Quotes) When a man takes a mistress, he doesn’t turn around and divorce his wife  (Wife Quotes) Is there anyone to whom you entrust a greater number of serious matters than your wife? And is there anyone with whom you have fewer conversations?  (Wife Quotes) A monk is not forbidden to marry, but if he takes a wife she becomes a monk with the same powers and privileges and occupies the same social position as her husband  (Wife Quotes) It is normal for husband and wife to argue: it’s normal. It always happens. But my advice is this: never let the day end without having first made peace. Never!  (Wife Quotes) A wife who loses a husband is called a widow. A husband who loses a wife is called a widower. A child who loses his parents is called an orphan. There is no word for a parent who loses a child. That’s how awful the loss is  (Wife Quotes) Wealth, a friend, a wife, and a kingdom may be regained; but this body when lost may never be acquired again  (Wife Quotes) The wisest married men give in early. They get in touch with the wife side of themselves, and that’s when they stop arguing  (Wife Quotes) ... you can never be sure of what has passed between husband and wife or lover and mistress  (Wife Quotes) A wife is a gift bestowed upon a man to reconcile him to the loss of paradise  (Wife Quotes) I’ve never won an argument with my wife; and the only time I thought I had I found out the argument wasn’t over yet  (Wife Quotes) I don’t decide where I live. My wife decides. She’s a curator of contemporary art, and she works at an art museum, so we go wherever she has a job. All basements look the same, so I can write from whatever basement I happen to be living in  (Wife Quotes)
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