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Money bequeathed to my wife on the express condition that she remarry. I want at least one person to be truly bereaved by my death  (Wife Quotes) A gentleman who had been very unhappy in marriage, married immediately after his wife died: Johnson said, it was the triumph of hope over experience  (Wife Quotes) My wife said she’d never heard me singing in the bath until last week  (Wife Quotes) Did you hear about the high school football coach who got in trouble for letting his players have sex with his wife? How does that work? Robinson! Get in there!  (Wife Quotes) Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh  (Wife Quotes) A little house well filled, a little field well tilled, and a little wife well willed are great riches  (Wife Quotes) I have a wife, I have sons: we have given so many hostages to the fates  (Wife Quotes) In the true marriage relation, the independence of the husband and wife is equal, the dependence mutual and their obligations reciprocal  (Wife Quotes) The wife of one famous tenor says her husband does not make love for two days before a performance and for two days after it. And he gives a performance every four days  (Wife Quotes) The true artist will let his wife starve, his children go barefoot, his mother drudge for his living at seventy, sooner than work at anything but his art  (Wife Quotes) The graveyards are full of women whose houses were so spotless you could eat off the floor. Remember the second wife always has a maid  (Wife Quotes) Humor is falling downstairs if you do it while in the act of warning your wife not to  (Wife Quotes) If a man stays away from his wife for seven years, the law presumes the separation to have killed him; yet according to our daily experience, it might well prolong his life  (Wife Quotes) I think I need to be married. Having a wife and family makes some sense out of all that I do, because I can’t make any sense out of 20,000 adoring fans watching me for two hours  (Wife Quotes) The result was magnificent... I became the father of two girls and two boys, lovely children by good fortune they all look like my wife  (Wife Quotes) When a man’s dog turns against him it is time for a wife to pack her trunk and go home to mama  (Wife Quotes) I recently read that love is entirely a matter of chemistry. That must be why my wife treats me like toxic waste  (Wife Quotes) The only thing that holds a marriage together is the husband being big enough to keep his mouth shut, to step back and see where his wife is wrong  (Wife Quotes) The best friend is likely to acquire the best wife, because a good marriage is based on the talent for friendship  (Wife Quotes) My wife isn’t married to me forever; she’s married to me for good. That keeps me on my toes  (Wife Quotes) Women’s liberationists spread the word that the only peaceful family is one in which either the wife is enslaved or the husband is androgynous  (Wife Quotes) The parting of a husband and wife is like the cleaving of a heart; one half will flutter here, one there  (Wife Quotes) To all married men, be this a caution, which they should duly tender as their life, neither to doat too much, nor doubt a wife  (Wife Quotes) A good wife is like the ivy which beautifies the building to which it clings, twining its tendrils more lovingly as time converts the ancient edifice into a ruin  (Wife Quotes) Who letts his wife goe to every feast, and his horse drinke at every water, shall neither have good wife nor good horse  (Wife Quotes) Such an one has been, as it were, miraculous in the world, in whom his wife and valet have seen nothing even remarkable; few men have been admired by their servants  (Wife Quotes) An elegant writer has observed, that wit may do very well for a mistress, but that he should prefer reason for a wife  (Wife Quotes) Heaven deprives me of a wife who never caused me any other grief than that of her death  (Wife Quotes) Were such the wife had fallen to my part, I’d break her spirit, or I’d break her heart  (Wife Quotes) Your women of fashion ceases to be a woman. She is neither mother, nor wife, nor lover. She is, medically speaking, sex on the brain  (Wife Quotes)
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