Wife To Her Husband Quotes

Text Quotes
A good wife always forgives her husband when she’s wrong (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
But it will be said that the husband provides for the wife, or in other words, he feeds, clothes and shelters her! I wish I had the power to make every one before me fully realize the degradation contained in that idea (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
When a man marries a widow his jealousies revert to the past: no man is as good as his wife says her first husband was (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
The foolish and cruel notion that a wife is to obey her husband has sent more women to the grave than to the courts for a divorce. (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
The doctor’s wife ate two apples a day, just to be safe. But her husband kept coming home. (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
In our society, the best predictor of a man’s wealth is his wife’s looks, and the best predictor of a woman’s looks is her husband’s wealth. (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
Husband: a man with hopes of being a lover who settles for being a provider, causing his wife to grow suspicious of her depleting jewelry box. (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
A smart wife is one who makes sure she spends so much that her husband can’t afford another woman. (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
In the Hillary Clinton model, the wife chooses to support the straying husband while wearing a distressed and presumably pained expression in public. She stays in the marriage as a way to serve both her personal ambition as well as their shared ambition to achieve ever-greater positions of power and influence. (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
The laws that Charondas gave to Catana,... A man might divorce his wife, or a wife her husband, said Charondas, but then he or she must not marry anyone younger than the divorced mate (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
A wife who is 85 percent faithful to her husband is not faithful at all. There is no such thing as part-time loyalty to Jesus Christ (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
Husbands, recognize your wife’s intelligence and her ability to counsel with you as a real partner regarding family plans, family activities, and family budgeting. Don’t be stingy with your time or with your means. Give her the opportunity to grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially as well as spiritually (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
Why should a woman cook? So her husband can say ‘My wife makes a delicious cake’ to some hooker? (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
The understanding smile of an old wife to her husband is one of the loveliest things in the world (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband. And in like manner the husband also hath not power of his own body, but the wife (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
I am the woman with the cool vintage glasses... I am the proud wife beside her husband... I am the writer who has written a new novel (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
God pity the tortured hearts that will pant through this night! And the agony of the poor wife who has heard that her husband is really killed! (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
The wife who submits to sexual intercourse against her wishes or desires, virtually commits suicide; while the husband who compels it, commits murder (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
Much contention and strife will arise in that house where the wife shall get up dissatisfied with her husband (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
Every once in a while, I run into somebody who tells me that she met her husband in my campaign or a husband who says, I met my wife. I have to tell you, I caused a few divorces too (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
If any of you would bring judgment the unfaithful wife, let him also weight the heart of her husband in scales, and measure his soul with measurements (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
A man is very revealed by his wife, just as a woman is revealed by her husband. People never marry beneath or above themselves, I assure you (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
Of all hatreds that the world produces, a wife's hatred for her husband, when she does hate him, is the strongest (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
A woman may be called a wife and mother for most of her life, while a man is called a husband and father only at his funeral (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
A wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)
Let the husband render to his wife the affection owed her, and likewise also the wife to her husband (Wife To Her Husband Quotes)