Wilderness Quotes

Text Quotes
As dreams are the healing songs from the wilderness of our unconscious - So wild animals, wild plants, wild landscapes are the healing dreams from the deep singing mind of the earth. (Wilderness Quotes)
Just because we think of wolves (or the wilderness, or another race) as wild and fierce, doesn’t mean there isn’t another side to them. (Wilderness Quotes)
My sermon on the meaning of the manna in the wilderness can be adapted to almost any occasion, joyful, or, as in the present case, distressing. [All sigh.] I have preached it at harvest celebrations, christenings, confirmations, on days of humiliation and festal days. (Wilderness Quotes)
The people who build high, strong fences are the ones who survive the best. You deny that reality only at the risk of being driven into the wilderness yourself. (Wilderness Quotes)
All that I desire in life are three...A wilderness: A beach on the sun-drenched sea,A puff of opium,And thee. (Wilderness Quotes)
The gospel of Jesus Christ is all about people. It’s about leaving the ninety and nine and going into the wilderness after those who are lost. It’s about bearing one another’s burdens, with the ultimate burden anyone can bear being walking through this life without light. (Wilderness Quotes)
I’ve spent my life capturing beautiful images. And whether in wilderness or in the downtown of a giant city, I find connections, universal rhythms, patterns and beauty that I recognize as a part of me, a part of all of us that celebrates life. It’s my great pleasure to share with you that energy which inspires me; this great visual beauty of our world. (Wilderness Quotes)
I love the fact that we are surrounded by this spectacular natural beauty that routinely strikes us dead. Hikers walk off into the woods and are never seen again. And still we tug on our fleece and skip off into the wilderness, not a care in the world. (Wilderness Quotes)
Beauty is the wilderness of sensual perception where we always want to get lost (Wilderness Quotes)
Bad as was being shot by some of our own troops in the battle of the Wilderness, - that was an honest mistake, one of the accidents of war, - being shot at, since the war, by many officers, was worse. (Wilderness Quotes)
It has taken us that long to get the deaf, dumb, and blind black men in the wilderness of North America to wake up and understand who they are. (Wilderness Quotes)
...and best of all, the wilderness of books, in which she could wander, where she liked, made the library a region of bliss to her. (Wilderness Quotes)
The wilderness is gone, the buckskin man is gone, the painted Indian has hit the trail over the Great Divide, the hardships and privations of pioneer life which did so much to develop sterling manhood are now but a legend in history, and we must depend upon the Boy Scout movement to produce the MEN of the future. (Wilderness Quotes)
A book of verses underneath the boughA flask of wine, a loaf of bread and thouBeside me singing in the wildernessAnd wilderness is paradise now. (Wilderness Quotes)
Not so great in England at the moment; in an online poll we came last, we actually came bottom of European countries for quality of life, because of things like the weather, obviously, late retirement, poor holiday, poor public services, poor health service; it’s basically just a kind of grey, godless wilderness, full of cold pies and broken dreams. (Wilderness Quotes)
Most of the time in the 21st century, we dominate our surroundings: We tweak the thermostat, and the temperature falls one degree. We push a button, and Taylor Swift sings for us. It’s the opposite in the wilderness, which teaches us constantly that we are not lords of the universe but rather building blocks of it. (Wilderness Quotes)
It is part of wisdom never to revisit a wilderness, for the more golden the lily, the more certain that someone has gilded it. (Wilderness Quotes)
I can go into the wilderness and not see anyone for days and experience a kind of space that hasn’t changed for tens of thousands of years. Having that experience was necessary to my perception of how photography can look at the changes humanity has brought about in the landscape. My work does become a kind of lament. (Wilderness Quotes)
I can’t sleep in an isolated place without pills, earplugs, and both my children in bed with me for fear of scary, feral characters with a hankering for the wilderness. (Wilderness Quotes)
If Music is a Place -- then Jazz is the City, Folk is the Wilderness, Rock is the Road, Classical is a Temple. (Wilderness Quotes)
There are for starters, grandeur and silence, pure water and clean air. There is also the gift of distance ... the chance to stand away from relationships and daily ritual ... and the gift of energy. Wilderness infuses us with its own special brand of energy. (Wilderness Quotes)
They had entered the thorny wilderness, and the golden gates of their childhood had for ever closed behind them. (Wilderness Quotes)
I learned to canoe at summer camp and thought I’d pursue Olympic whitewater canoeing. In my senior year of high school, I instead decided to attend M.I.T. I like to say I’ve had only two jobs in my life: whitewater canoeing instructor and wilderness guide in college, and C.E.O. of iRobot. (Wilderness Quotes)
Wilderness trails constitute a rare space in America marked by economic diversity. Lawyers and construction workers get bitten by the same mosquitoes and sip from the same streams; there are none of the usual signals about socioeconomic status, for most hikers are in shorts and a T-shirt and enveloped by an aroma that would make a skunk queasy. (Wilderness Quotes)
When someone died in the wilderness of frontier America, that person’s physical remains were buried and the handcarts continued west, but the mourning survivors had hope for their loved one’s eternal soul. However, when someone dies spiritually in the wilderness of sin, hope may be replaced by dread and fear for the loved one’s eternal welfare. (Wilderness Quotes)
It’s just as easy to be lonely in a city as out in the wilderness. Easier, really. It’s harder to get to know someone when you meet in a crowded place. People can freely ignore you in the city; they can assume they don’t have any responsibility for you. When there are fewer people, (...) they begin assuming some kind of responsibility, simply because you naturally do the same. (Wilderness Quotes)
From the top of a high rock, I obtained a good few of the most extensive and dreary wilderness I ever beheld. It chilled the heart to gaze on these barrens of Labrador. Indeed, I now dread every change of harbor, so horridly rugged and dangerous is the whole coast and country to the eye, and to the experienced man either of the sea or the land. (Wilderness Quotes)
Out of abysses of Illiteracy, Through labyrinths of Lies, Across wastelands of Disease . . . We advance Out of dead-ends of Poverty, Through wilderness of Superstition, Across barricades of Jim Crowism . . . We advance. (Wilderness Quotes)
I have never considered myself anything other than an environmentalist. I have spent the better part of my life either in the wilderness, or trying desperately to get there. (Wilderness Quotes)
The idea of wilderness needs no defense. It only needs more defenders. Remaining silent about the destruction of nature is an endorsement of that destruction. (Wilderness Quotes)