Will Rogers Quotes

Text Quotes
The reason political party platforms are so long is that when you straddle anything it takes a long time to explain it (Will Rogers Quotes)
There is no better place in the world to find out the shortcomings of each other than in a conference (Will Rogers Quotes)
There are two things that can disrupt the American economy. One is a war. The other is a meeting of the Federal Reserve Board (Will Rogers Quotes)
While the Republicans are smart enough to make money, the Democrats are smart enough to get into office every two or three times a century to take it away from them (Will Rogers Quotes)
With Congress, every time they make a joke it's a law; and every time they make a law it's a joke (Will Rogers Quotes)
You politicians have got to look further ahead; you always got a putter in your hands, when you ought to have a driver (Will Rogers Quotes)
Outside of traffic, there is nothing that has held this country back as much as committees (Will Rogers Quotes)
The Republicans have their splits right after election and Democrats have theirs just before an election (Will Rogers Quotes)
There is two things that can disrupt business in this country. One is War, and the other is a meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank (Will Rogers Quotes)
There is no argument in the world that carries the hatred that a religious belief does. The more learned a man is, the less consideration he has for another man's belief (Will Rogers Quotes)
A debt is just as hard for a government to pay as it is for an individual. No debt ever comes due at a good time. Borrowing is the only thing that seems handy all the time (Will Rogers Quotes)
There wasn't any more truth in over half of what any so - called orator said. If it wasn't a deliberate lie, why it was an exaggerated falsehood (Will Rogers Quotes)
There is no more interesting place in the world to meet characters than a movie set. If you have lost anybody anywhere and don't know where they are, they are in Hollywood trying to get in the movies (Will Rogers Quotes)
There is an awful lot of difference between reading something and actually seeing it, for you can never tell, till you see it, just how big a liar history is (Will Rogers Quotes)
Everything worthwhile is a good idea, but did you ever notice there is more bad ideas that will work than there is good ones? (Will Rogers Quotes)
We are always saying: let the law take its course but what we really mean is: let the law take our course (Will Rogers Quotes)
I will never joke about old soldiers who try to get to reunions to talk over the war again. To talk of old times with old friends is the greatest thing in the world (Will Rogers Quotes)
Fanatical religion driven to a certain point is almost as bad as none at all, but not quite (Will Rogers Quotes)
We can get hot and bothered quicker over nothing, and cool off faster than any nation in the world (Will Rogers Quotes)
God made man a little lower than the angels, and he has been getting a little lower ever since (Will Rogers Quotes)
We may elevate ourselves but we should never reach so high that we would every forget those who helped us get there (Will Rogers Quotes)
If all the time consumed in attending dinners and luncheons was consumed in some work, the production of this country would be doubled (Will Rogers Quotes)
America invents everything, but the trouble is we get tired of it the minute the new is wore off (Will Rogers Quotes)
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be surprised if they learn their lesson (Will Rogers Quotes)
Successful colleges will start laying plans for a new stadium; unsuccessful ones will start hunting a new coach (Will Rogers Quotes)
I hope we never live to see the day when a thing is as bad as some of our newspapers make it (Will Rogers Quotes)
There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin'. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves (Will Rogers Quotes)
The minute you read something that you can't understand, you can almost be sure that it was drawn up by a lawyer (Will Rogers Quotes)
If you feel the urge, don't be afraid to go on a wild goose chase. What do you think wild geese are for anyway? (Will Rogers Quotes)
The problem ain't what people know. It's what people know that ain't so that's the problem (Will Rogers Quotes)