Will Rogers Quotes

Text Quotes
When you are satisfied, you are successful. For that’s all there is to success is satisfaction (Will Rogers Quotes)
Ability is all right but if it is not backed up by honesty and public confidence you will never be a successful person. The best a man can do is to arrive at the top in his chosen profession. I have always maintained that one profession is deserving of as much honor as another provided it is honorable (Will Rogers Quotes)
I guess there is no two races of people in worse repute with everybody than the international bankers, and the folks that put all those pins in new shirts (Will Rogers Quotes)
The bankers just got a good cussing by everybody for loaning too much money. Well, they got some awful nice buildings. So when a banker fails, he fails in splendor (Will Rogers Quotes)
You have a wonderful organization. I understand you have ten thousand here. And if you count the ones in the various federal prisons, it brings your total membership up to around thirty thousand (Will Rogers Quotes)
We never will have any prosperity that is free from speculation till we pass a law that every time a broker or person sells something, he has got to have it sitting there in a bucket, or a bag, or a jug, or a cage, or a rat trap, or something, depending on what it is he is selling. We are continually buying something that we never get from a man that never had it (Will Rogers Quotes)
It looks like the financial giants of the world have bungled as much as the diplomats and politicians. This would be a great time in the world for some man to come along that knew something (Will Rogers Quotes)
Politics are receiving a lot of attention because we have nothing else to interest us. No nation in the history of the world was ever sitting as pretty. If we want anything, all we have to do is go and buy it on credit. So that leaves us without any economic problem whatever, except perhaps some day to have to pay for them. But we are certainly not thinking about that this early (Will Rogers Quotes)
If you got a dollar, soak it away, put it in a savings bank, bury it, do anything but spend it. Spending when we didn’t have it put us where we are today. Saving when we’ve got it will get us back to where we was before we went cuckoo (Will Rogers Quotes)
What’s the matter with the world? Why, there ain’t nothing but one word wrong with everyone of us, and that’s selfishness (Will Rogers Quotes)
A successful outcome shows what hard work, perseverance and taking advantage of your opportunities will do for you (Will Rogers Quotes)
I am proud of the fact there is not a human being that I have got it in for. I never met a man I didn’t like (Will Rogers Quotes)
One wants recovery to start from the bottom, and the other wants it to start from the top. I don’t know which is right. I’ve never heard of anybody suggesting that they might start it in the middle, so I hereby make that suggestion. To start recovery halfway between the two, because it’s the middle class that does everything anyhow. But I don’t know anything about it (Will Rogers Quotes)
I don’t think either one of them knows what it’s all about, to be honest with you. Both sides are doing nothing but just looking towards the next election (Will Rogers Quotes)
Get a sales tax, small on necessities and large on luxuries; then a stiff inheritance tax on the fellow that saves and don’t spend. That will get him either way. A tax paid on the day you buy is not as tough as asking you for it the next year when you are broke (Will Rogers Quotes)
The sales tax is the best and most equitable tax. The gasoline tax, which is nothing but a sales tax, has proven painless, productive and punitive. Everything we buy should have its equal proportion of tax, outside of cheap food and cheap clothes (Will Rogers Quotes)
If a thousand shares of stocks or bonds make nothing, you pay nothing. But on a thousand acres of land you pay enough to support half the community who own no land and pay no taxes (Will Rogers Quotes)
You can’t legitimately kick on income tax, for it’s on what you have made. You have already made it. But, look at land, farms, homes, stores, vacant lots. You pay year after year on them whether you make it or not (Will Rogers Quotes)
The crime of taxation is not in the taking it, it’s in the way that it’s spent (Will Rogers Quotes)
I see by the papers that they are going to do away with all the nuisance taxes. That means that a man can get a marriage license for nothing (Will Rogers Quotes)
Political elections are a good deal like marriages, there’s no accounting for anyone’s taste (Will Rogers Quotes)
You should never try and teach a pig to read for two reasons. First, it’s impossible; and secondly, it annoys the hell out of the pig! (Will Rogers Quotes)
A holding company is the people you give your money to while you’re being searched (Will Rogers Quotes)
I don’t care how little your country is, you got a right to run it like you want to. When the big nations quit meddling then the world will have peace (Will Rogers Quotes)
The public perceives there are problems with the water system, and with the efficiency of the system. We need some leadership and to provide expertise in the area of efficiency (Will Rogers Quotes)
You can be killed just as dead in an unjustified war as you can in one protecting your own home (Will Rogers Quotes)
Technocracy wants to do everything by machinery. Machinery is doing just fine. If it can’t kill you, it will put you out of work (Will Rogers Quotes)
Democrats always were a cheap lot. They never had much money to operate on... They would rather make a speech than a dollar. They cultivate their voice instead of their finances (Will Rogers Quotes)
The theater is a great equalizer: it is the only place where the poor can look down on the rich (Will Rogers Quotes)
I was born because it was a habit in those days, people didn’t know anything else (Will Rogers Quotes)