Will Rogers Quotes

Text Quotes
George Washington was quite a farmer. He was a farmer, Civil Engineer and gentleman. He made enough at civil engineering to indulge in both the other luxuries (Will Rogers Quotes)
Legalize racing in every State. Sure people will bet, but they get to see the horses run and you certain can’t see General Motors and General Electric and General Utility run when you bet on them (Will Rogers Quotes)
Say, did you read what this writer just dug up in George Washington’s diary? I was so ashamed I sat up all night reading it (Will Rogers Quotes)
Funny to watch these Senators switching back and forth on Prohibition. Politics is a great character builder. You have to take a referendum to see what your convictions are for that day (Will Rogers Quotes)
Politicians can do more funny things naturally than I can think of to do purposely (Will Rogers Quotes)
Our whole Depression was brought on by gambling, not in the stock market alone but in expanding and borrowing and going in debt... all just to make some easy money quick (Will Rogers Quotes)
Labor Day, I suppose set by an Act of Congress. Everything we do nowadays is either by, or against, Acts of Congress. How Congress knew anything about Labor is beyond us (Will Rogers Quotes)
Baseball is a skilled game. It’s America’s game - it, and high taxes (Will Rogers Quotes)
We are always yapping about the ‘Good Old Days’ and how we look back and enjoy it, but I tell you there is a lot of hooey to it. There is a whole lot of all our past lives that wasn’t so hot (Will Rogers Quotes)
Noah must have taken into the Ark two taxes, one male and one female. And did they multiply bountifully! Next to guinea pigs, taxes must have been the most prolific animals (Will Rogers Quotes)
I see a good deal of talk from Washington about lowering taxes-I hope they do get ‘em lowered enough so people can afford to pay ‘em (Will Rogers Quotes)
Government spending? I don’t know what it’s all about. I don’t know any more about this thing than an economist does, and, God knows, he doesn’t know much (Will Rogers Quotes)
Asking Europe to disarm is like asking a man in Chicago to give up his life insurance (Will Rogers Quotes)
And if you call one a real estate agent and he won’t sell you anything. He is a REALATOR. It’s the same as what the old fashioned real estate agent used to be only the commission is different (Will Rogers Quotes)
A Realtor is an old fashioned Real Estate man with a neck tie. A Real Estate man sold you what you wanted, a Realtor sells you what you don’t need. A Real Estate man showed you what you could raise on the land, a Realtor tells you what you can build on it (Will Rogers Quotes)
The farmers can be thankful. Didn’t the Farm Board decide in Washington last week that they could have cheaper interest? All the farmers have to do now is to find something new to put up as security (Will Rogers Quotes)
I am a great believer in high-priced people. If a thing cost a lot it may not be any better, but it adds a certain amount of class that the cheap thing can never approach; in the long run it’s the higher-priced things that are the cheapest (Will Rogers Quotes)
If a bank fails in China, they behead the men at the top of it that was responsible... If we beheaded all of ours that were responsible for bank failures, we wouldn’t have enough people left to bury the heads (Will Rogers Quotes)
It’s no laughing matter being a Republican in these perilous times. Anyone can be a Republican when the stock market is up, but when stocks are selling for no more than they’re worth, I tell you, being a Republican - it’s a sacrifice (Will Rogers Quotes)
Say, this new home building idea of President Hoover’s sounds good. They are working out a lot of beneficial things. The only thing is it took ‘em so long to think of any of ‘em. We ought to have plans in case of depression, just like we do in case of fire, ‘Walk, don’t run, to the nearest exit.’ (Will Rogers Quotes)
George Bernard Shaw of England stopped over just long enough to make one speech in Bombay, India, started a war and 100 Indians killed each other. That’s what I call good speech-making. The only enthusiasm any of our speakers can rouse is a demand to kill the speaker (Will Rogers Quotes)
There is some talk of lowering (the income tax), and they will have to. People are not making enough to pay it (Will Rogers Quotes)
Now they got such a high inheritance tax on ‘em that you won’t catch these old rich boys dying promiscuously like they did. This bill makes patriots out of everybody. You sure do die for your country if you die from now on (Will Rogers Quotes)
There is a tremendous movement on to get lower taxes on earned incomes. Then will come the real problem, ‘Who among us on salary are earning our income?’ (Will Rogers Quotes)
If your Income Taxes go to help out the less fortunate, there could be no legitimate kick against it in the world. This is becoming the richest, and the poorest Country in the world. Why? Why, on account of an unequal distribution of the money (Will Rogers Quotes)
... while the Republicans are smart enough to make money, the Democrats are smart enough to get in office every two or three times a century and take it away from ‘em (Will Rogers Quotes)
We Americans think we are pretty good! We want to build a house, we cut down some trees. We want to build a fire, we dig a little coal. But when we run out of all these things, then we will find out just how good we really are (Will Rogers Quotes)
Old Hollywood is just like a desert water in Africa. Hang around long enough and every kind of animal in the world will drift in for refreshments (Will Rogers Quotes)
Texas is a great state. It’s the ‘Old Man River’ of states. No matter who runs it or what happens to it politically, it just keeps rolling along! (Will Rogers Quotes)
Some guy invented Vitamin A out of a carrot. I’ll bet he can’t invent a good meal out of one (Will Rogers Quotes)