Will Rogers Quotes

Text Quotes
If you want to be successful, it's just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing (Will Rogers Quotes)
Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product that they do on advertising and they wouldn't have to advertise it (Will Rogers Quotes)
Money and women are the most sought after and the least known about of any two things we have (Will Rogers Quotes)
Ohio claims they are due a president as they haven't had one since Taft. Look at the United States, they have not had one since Lincoln (Will Rogers Quotes)
On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter what it does (Will Rogers Quotes)
People are getting smarter nowadays; they are letting lawyers, instead of their conscience, be their guide (Will Rogers Quotes)
The more you observe politics, the more you've got to admit that each party is worse than the other (Will Rogers Quotes)
The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets (Will Rogers Quotes)
The time to save is now. When a dog gets a bone, he doesn't go out and make a down payment on a bigger bone. He buries the one he's got (Will Rogers Quotes)
The worst thing that happens to you may be the best thing for you if you don't let it get the best of you (Will Rogers Quotes)
There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves (Will Rogers Quotes)
This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer (Will Rogers Quotes)
We don't seem to be able to check crime, so why not legalize it and then tax it out of business? (Will Rogers Quotes)
A holding company is a thing where you hand an accomplice the goods while the policeman searches you (Will Rogers Quotes)
A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people (Will Rogers Quotes)
About all I can say for the United States Senate is that it opens with a prayer and closes with an investigation (Will Rogers Quotes)
Alexander Hamilton started the U. S. Treasury with nothing, and that was the closest our country has ever been to being even (Will Rogers Quotes)
America is a nation that conceives many odd inventions for getting somewhere but it can think of nothing to do once it gets there (Will Rogers Quotes)
An onion can make people cry but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh (Will Rogers Quotes)
Anything important is never left to the vote of the people. We only get to vote on some man; we never get to vote on what he is to do (Will Rogers Quotes)
Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they would be Republicans (Will Rogers Quotes)
I read about eight newspapers in a day. When I'm in a town with only one newspaper, I read it eight times (Will Rogers Quotes)
In Hollywood the woods are full of people that learned to write but evidently can't read. If they could read their stuff, they'd stop writing (Will Rogers Quotes)
In Hollywood you can see things at night that are fast enough to be in the Olympics in the day time (Will Rogers Quotes)
Now if there is one thing that we do worse than any other nation, it is try and manage somebody else's affairs (Will Rogers Quotes)
Our constitution protects aliens, drunks, and U. S. Senators. There ought to be one day (just one) when there is open season on senators (Will Rogers Quotes)
So let's be honest with ourselves and not take ourselves too serious, and never condemn the other fellow for doing what we are doing every day, only in a different way (Will Rogers Quotes)
The difference between a Republican and a Democrat is the Democrat is a cannibal they have to live off each other, while the Republicans, why, they live off the Democrats (Will Rogers Quotes)
The income tax has made liars out of more Americans than golf. Even when you make a tax form out on the level, you don't know when it's through if you are a crook or a martyr (Will Rogers Quotes)
There is nothing so stupid as the educated man if you get him off the thing he was educated in (Will Rogers Quotes)