William Cowper Quotes

Text Quotes
The Frenchman, easy, debonair, and brisk, give him his lass, his fiddle, and his frisk, is always happy, reign whoever may, and laughs the sense of misery far away (William Cowper Quotes)
Some men make gain a fountain, whence proceeds A stream of liberal and heroic deeds; the swell of pity, not to be confined Within the scanty limits of the mind (William Cowper Quotes)
I would not enter on my list of friends (Though graced with polish'd manner and fine sense, yet wanting sensibility) the man Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm (William Cowper Quotes)
This fond attachment to the well known place Whence first we started into life's long race, maintains its hold with such unfailing sway, we feel it e'en in age, and at our latest day (William Cowper Quotes)
He that attends to his interior self, that has a heart, and keeps it; has a mind that hungers, and supplies it; and who seeks a social, not a dissipated life, has business (William Cowper Quotes)
What we admire we praise; and when we praise, advance it into notice, that its worth acknowledged, others may admire it too (William Cowper Quotes)
The kindest and the happiest pair will find occasion to forbear; and something every day they live to pity, and perhaps forgive (William Cowper Quotes)
The pipe, with solemn interposing puff, makes half a sentence at a time enough; the dozing sages drop the drowsy strain, then pause, and puff and speak, and pause again (William Cowper Quotes)
Words learned by rote a parrot may rehearse, but talking is not always to converse, not more distinct from harmony divine the constant creaking of a country sign (William Cowper Quotes)
He cannot drink five bottles, bilk the score, then kill a constable, and drink five more; but he can draw a pattern, make a tart, and has ladies' etiquette by heart (William Cowper Quotes)
Habits of close attention, thinking heads, become more rare as dissipation spreads, till authors hear at length one general cry Tickle and entertain us, or we die! (William Cowper Quotes)
And hast thou sworn on every slight pretence, till perjuries are common as bad pence, while thousands, careless of the damning sin, kiss the book's outside, who ne'er looke'd within? (William Cowper Quotes)
When perjury, that heaven defying vice, sells oaths by tale, and at the lowest price, stamps God's own name upon a lie just made, to turn a penny in the way of trade (William Cowper Quotes)
He whistles as he goes, light hearted wretch, cold and yet cheerful; messenger of grief Perhaps to thousands, and of joy to some (William Cowper Quotes)
The art of poetry is to touch the passions, and its duty to lead them on the side of virtue (William Cowper Quotes)
They best can judge a poet's worth, who oft themselves have known the pangs of a poetic birth by labours of their own (William Cowper Quotes)
He comes, the herald of a noisy world, with spatter'd boots, strapp'd waist, and frozen locks; news from all nations lumbering at his back (William Cowper Quotes)
A glory gilds the sacred page, majestic like the sun, it gives a light to every age, it gives, but borrows none (William Cowper Quotes)
Tis revelation satisfies all doubts, explains all mysteries except her own, and so illuminates the path of life, that fools discover it, and stray no more (William Cowper Quotes)
Defend me, therefore, common sense, say from reveries so airy, from the toil of dropping buckets into empty wells, and growing old in drawing nothing up (William Cowper Quotes)
The mind, relaxing into needful sport, should turn to writers of an abler sort, whose wit well managed, and whose classic style, give truth a lustre, and make wisdom smile (William Cowper Quotes)
Scenes must be beautiful which daily view'd please daily, and whose novelty survives long knowledge and the scrutiny of years (William Cowper Quotes)
God never meant that man should scale the Heavens By strides of human wisdom. In his works, though wondrous, he commands us in his word To seek him rather where his mercy shines (William Cowper Quotes)
Discourse may want an animated no to brush the surface, and to make it flow; but still remember, if you mean to please, to press your point with modesty and ease (William Cowper Quotes)
Strange as it may seem, the most ludicrous lines I ever wrote have been written in the saddest mood (William Cowper Quotes)
Whoso seeks an audit here propitious, pays his tribute, game or fish, wild fowl or venison, and his errand speeds (William Cowper Quotes)
Am I to set my life upon a throw, because a bear is rude and surly? No - a moral, sensible, and well bred man, will not affront me, and no other can (William Cowper Quotes)
I venerate the man whose heart is warm, whose hands are pure, whose doctrine and whose life, coincident, exhibit lucid proof that he is honest in the sacred cause (William Cowper Quotes)
He stands erect; his slouch becomes a walk; he steps right onward, martial in his air, his form and movement (William Cowper Quotes)
The priest he merry is, and blithe three quarters of a year, but oh! It cuts him like a scythe when tithing time draws near (William Cowper Quotes)