William Cowper Quotes

Text Quotes
Tis liberty alone that gives the flower of fleeting life its lustre and perfume; and we are weeds without it (William Cowper Quotes)
From such apostles, oh ye mitred heads, preserve the church; and lay not careless hands on skulls that cannot teach, and will not learn (William Cowper Quotes)
He that negotiates between God and man, as God's ambassador, the grand concerns of judgment and of mercy, should beware of lightness in his speech (William Cowper Quotes)
The Cross! There, and there only (though the deist rave, and atheist, if Earth bears so base a slave); there and there only, is the power to save (William Cowper Quotes)
Anticipated rents, and bills unpaid, force many a shining youth into the shade, not to redeem his time, but his estate, and play the fool, but at the cheaper rate (William Cowper Quotes)
In the vast, and the minute, we see the unambiguous footsteps of the God, who gives its lustre to an insect's wing and wheels His throne upon the rolling worlds (William Cowper Quotes)
All has its date below; the fatal hour was register'd in heav'n ere time began. We turn to dust, and all our mightiest works die too (William Cowper Quotes)
And prate and preach about what others prove, as if the world and they were hand and glove (William Cowper Quotes)
Thieves at home must hang; but he that puts Into his overgorged and bloated purse the wealth of Indian provinces, escapes (William Cowper Quotes)
Then liberty, like day, breaks on the soul, and by a flash from Heaven Fires all the faculties with glorious joy (William Cowper Quotes)
An inadvertent step may crush the snail That crawls at evening in the public path. But he that has humanity, forewarned, will turn aside and let the reptile live (William Cowper Quotes)
My sister and my sister's child, myself and children three, will fill the chaise: so you must ride on horseback after me (William Cowper Quotes)
Poor England! Thou art a devoted deer, beset with every ill but that of fear. The nations hunt; all mock thee for a prey; they swarm around thee, and thou stand'st at bay (William Cowper Quotes)
Hence jarring sectaries may learn their real interest to discern; that brother should not war with brother, and worry and devour each other (William Cowper Quotes)
Heaven speed the canvas, gallantly unfurl'd, to furnish and accommodate a world, to give the Pole the produce of the sun, and knit the unsocial climates into one (William Cowper Quotes)
The rich are too indolent, the poor too weak, to bear the insupportable fatigue of thinking (William Cowper Quotes)
Men deal with life as children with their play, who first misuse, then cast their toys away (William Cowper Quotes)
Pity! Religion has so seldom found A skilful guide into poetic ground! The flowers would spring where'er she deign'd to stray and every muse attend her in her way (William Cowper Quotes)
It is the primal curse, but softened into mercy, made the pledge of cheerful days and nights without a groan (William Cowper Quotes)
We bear our shades about us; self deprived of other screen, the thin umbrella spread, and range an indian waste without a tree (William Cowper Quotes)
His frown was full of terror, and his voice shook the delinquent with such fits of awe as left him not, till penitence had won lost favor back again, and closed the breach (William Cowper Quotes)
The fall of waters and the song of birds, and hills that echo to the distant birds, are luxuries excelling all the glare the world can boast, and her chief favorites share (William Cowper Quotes)
Returning he proclaims by many a grace, by shrugs and strange contortions of his face, how much a dunce that has been sent to roam, excels a dunce that has been kept at home (William Cowper Quotes)
Who ever keeps an open ear For tattlers, will be sure to hear the trumpet of contention; aspersion is the babbler's trade, to listen is to lend him aid, and rush into dissension (William Cowper Quotes)
Good sense, good health, good conscience, and good fame, all these belong to virtue, and all prove that virtue has a title to your love (William Cowper Quotes)
Learning itself, received into a mind by nature weak, or viciously inclined, serves but to lead philosophers astray, where children would with ease discern the way (William Cowper Quotes)
What is there in the vale of life Half so delightful as a wife, when friendship, love, and peace combine To stamp the marriage bond divine? (William Cowper Quotes)
He holds no parley with unmanly fears, where duty bids he confident steers, faces a thousand dangers at her call, and, trusting to his God, surmounts them all (William Cowper Quotes)
Blest be the art that can immortalize, the art that baffles time's tyrannic claim to quench it (William Cowper Quotes)
How readily we wish time spent revoked, that we might try the ground again where once - through inexperience, as we now perceive - we missed that happiness we might have found! (William Cowper Quotes)