William Gibson Quotes

Text Quotes
I think I’d probably tell you that it’s easier to desire and pursue the attention of tens of millions of total strangers than it is to accept the love and loyalty of the people closest to us (William Gibson Quotes)
Laney had recently noticed that the only people who had titles that clearly described their jobs had jobs he wouldn’t have wanted (William Gibson Quotes)
Three in the morning. Making yourself a cup of coffee in the dark, using a flashlight when you pour the boiling water (William Gibson Quotes)
We have no future because our present is too volatile. We have only risk management. The spinning of the given moment’s scenarios. Pattern recognition (William Gibson Quotes)
That’s something that tends to happen with new technologies generally: The most interesting applications turn up on a battlefield, or in a gallery (William Gibson Quotes)
We monitor many frequencies. We listen always. Came a voice, out of the babel of tongues, speaking to us. It played us a mighty dub (William Gibson Quotes)
Fiction is an illusion wrought with many small, conventionally symbolic marks, triggering visions in the minds of others (William Gibson Quotes)
Lost, so small amid that dark, hands grown cold, body image fading down corridors of television sky (William Gibson Quotes)
Somewhere, deep within her, surfaces a tiny clockwork submarine. There are times when you can only take the next step. And then another (William Gibson Quotes)
Some very considerable part of the gestural language of public places that had once belonged to cigarettes now belonged to phones (William Gibson Quotes)
We are that strange species that constructs artifacts intended to counter the natural flow of forgetting (William Gibson Quotes)
If ignorance were enough to make things not exist, the world would be more like a lot of people think it is. But it’s not. And it’s not (William Gibson Quotes)
Sometimes, I feel like a time traveller, cause the only way that we can really travel in time is just to get older (William Gibson Quotes)
I can see television much more easily than I can see features, because the economy and politics of making big, big features seems to me to be narrowing even from what it was (William Gibson Quotes)
I’ve always been interested in people who aren’t from anywhere in particular. I think it’s all melting. This has been true for as long as I can remember in my adult life (William Gibson Quotes)
I’m not a very intentional writer. I try to be as unintentional as possible. What I basically try to do is invite the zeitgeist in to tea (William Gibson Quotes)
The ‘Net is a waste of time, and that’s exactly what’s right about it (William Gibson Quotes)
A graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding (William Gibson Quotes)
Generation X is dead. It has come to mean anyone aged 13 to 55 years old (William Gibson Quotes)
A snappy label and a manifesto would have been two of the very last things on my own career want list. That label enabled mainstream science fiction to safely assimilate our dissident influence, such as it was. Cyberpunk could then be embraced and given prizes and patted on the head, and genre science fiction could continue unchanged (William Gibson Quotes)
All we really have when we pretend to write about the future is the moment in which we are writing. That’s why every imagined future obsoletes like an ice cream melting on the way back from the corner store (William Gibson Quotes)
As a writer of fiction who deals with technology, I necessarily deal with the history of technology and the history of technologically induced social change. I roam up and down it in a kind of special way because I roam down it into history, which is invariably itself a speculative affair (William Gibson Quotes)
I grew up in southwestern Virginia. I was born in South Carolina, but only because my parents had a vacation cabin or something there on the beach. I was like a summer baby. But I did grow up in the South. I grew up in serious, serious Appalachia, in a very small town (William Gibson Quotes)
I guess Twitter is the first thing that has been attractive to me as social media. I never felt the least draw to Facebook or MySpace. I’ve been involved anonymously in some tiny listservs, mainly in my ceaseless quest for random novelty, and sometimes while doing something that more closely resembles research (William Gibson Quotes)
I like the idea of people who’ve had some success in one form secretly wanting to be something else; I have some of that myself. I look for it in other people who’ve established themselves in some particular art form, and then you find out that they really would like to design running shoes, or edit literary magazines or something (William Gibson Quotes)
I think the large part of the function of the Internet is it is archival. It’s unreliable to the extent that word on the street is unreliable. It’s no more unreliable than that. You can find the truth on the street if you work at it. I don’t think of the Internet or the virtual as being inherently inferior to the so-called real (William Gibson Quotes)
I think the least important thing about science fiction for me is its predictive capacity. Its record for being accurately predictive is really, really poor! If you look at the whole history of science fiction, what people have said is going to happen, what writers have said is going to happen, and what actually happened - it’s terrible (William Gibson Quotes)
I was afraid to watch ‘Blade Runner’ in the theater because I was afraid the movie would be better than what I myself had been able to imagine. In a way, I was right to be afraid, because even the first few minutes were better (William Gibson Quotes)
I watch for emergent technologies and pay attention to what people say they’ll be good for, then see what we actually use them for. It never occurred to me that a tiny telephone with a wireless transceiver would do whatever it is that it’s done to us (William Gibson Quotes)
I would like to design what people generally call streetwear. I’d like to dress skateboarders, or whatever the older equivalent of skateboarders are. I pay more attention to that stuff than anyone would ever imagine because I’m watching what the designers do (William Gibson Quotes)