William Hazlitt Quotes

Text Quotes
Painters... are the most lively observers of what passes in the world about them, and the closest observers of what passes in their own minds (William Hazlitt Quotes)
We do not attend to the advice of the sage and experienced because we think they are old, forgetting that they once were young and placed in the same situations as ourselves (William Hazlitt Quotes)
A man in love prefers his passion to every other consideration, and is fonder of his mistress than he is of virtue. Should she prove vicious, she makes vice lovely in his eyes (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Vanity does not refer to the opinion a man entertains of himself, but to that which he wishes others to entertain of him (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Wit is the rarest quality to be met with among people of education, and the most common among the uneducated (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The affected modesty of most women is a decoy for the generous, the delicate, and unsuspecting; while the artful, the bold, and unfeeling either see or break through its slender disguises (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Those who have little shall have less, and that those who have much shall take all that others have left (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The fear of punishment may be necessary to the suppression of vice; but it also suspends the finer motives of virtue (William Hazlitt Quotes)
When the imagination is continually led to the brink of vice by a system of terror and denunciations, people fling themselves over the precipice from the mere dread of falling (William Hazlitt Quotes)
There are some persons who never succeed from being too indolent to undertake anything; and others who regularly fail, because the instant they find success in their power, they grow indifferent, and give over the attempt (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Virtue steals, like a guilty thing, into the secret haunts of vice and infamy, clings to their devoted victim, and will not be driven quite away. Nothing can destroy the human heart (William Hazlitt Quotes)
All is without form and void. Someone said of his landscapes that they were pictures of nothing and very like (William Hazlitt Quotes)
We may be willing to tell a story twice, never to hear it more than once (William Hazlitt Quotes)
A man is a hypocrite only when he affects to take a delight in what he does not feel, not because he takes a perverse delight in opposite things (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Silence is one great art of conversation. He is not a fool who knows when to hold his tongue; and a person may gain credit for sense, eloquence, wit, who merely says nothing to lessen the opinion which others have of these qualities in themselves (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Charity, like nature, abhors a vacuum. Next to putting it in a bank, men like to squander their superfluous wealth on those to whom it is sure to be doing the least possible good (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Features alone do not run in the blood; vices and virtues, genius and folly, are transmitted through the same sure but unseen channel (William Hazlitt Quotes)
He who does nothing renders himself incapable of doing any thing; but while we are executing any work, we are preparing and qualifying ourselves to undertake another (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The admiration of power in others is as common to man as the love of it in himself; the one makes him a tyrant, the other a slave (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Tyrants forego all respect for humanity in proportion as they are sunk beneath it. Taught to believe themselves of a different species, they really become so, lose their participation with their kind, and in mimicking the God dwindle into the brute (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Humour is the describing the ludicrous as it is in itself; wit is the exposing it, by comparing or contrasting it with something else. Humour is, as it were, the growth of nature and accident; wit is the product of art and fancy (William Hazlitt Quotes)
To impress the idea of power on others, they must be made in some way to feel it (William Hazlitt Quotes)
A lively blockhead in company is a public benefit. Silence or dulness by the side of folly looks like wisdom (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The best way to make ourselves agreeable to others is by seeming to think them so. If we appear fully sensible of their good qualities they will not complain of the want of them in us (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Vulgar prejudices are those which arise out of accident, ignorance, or authority; natural prejudices are those which arise out of the constitution of the human mind itself (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Greatness is great power, producing great effects. It is not enough that a man has great power in himself, he must shew it to all the world in a way that cannot be hid or gainsaid (William Hazlitt Quotes)
To display the greatest powers, unless they are applied to great purposes, makes nothing for the character of greatness (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Painting gives the object itself; poetry what it implies. Painting embodies what a thing contains in itself; poetry suggests what exists out of it, in any manner connected with it (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The more we do, the more we can do; the more busy we are, the more leisure we have (William Hazlitt Quotes)
A strong passion for any object will ensure success, for the desire of the end will point out the means (William Hazlitt Quotes)