William Hazlitt Quotes

Text Quotes
Perhaps the best cure for the fear of death is to reflect that life has a beginning as well as an end (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The confession of our failings is a thankless office. It savors less of sincerity or modesty than of ostentation. It seems as if we thought our weaknesses as good as other people’s virtues (William Hazlitt Quotes)
No wise man can have a contempt for the prejudices of others; and he should even stand in a certain awe of his own, as if they were aged parents and monitors. They may in the end prove wiser than he (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The way to procure insults is to submit to them. A man meets with no more respect than he exacts (William Hazlitt Quotes)
He who comes up to his own idea of greatness must always have had a very low standard of it in his mind (William Hazlitt Quotes)
We often forget our dreams so speedily: if we cannot catch them as they are passing out at the door, we never set eyes on them again (William Hazlitt Quotes)
A life of action and danger moderates the dread of death. It not only gives us fortitude to bear pain, but teaches us at every step the precarious tenure on which we hold our present being (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Wonder at the first sight of works of art may be the effect of ignorance and novelty; but real admiration and permanent delight in them are the growth of taste and knowledge (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Persons who undertake to pry into, or cleanse out all the filth of a common sewer, either cannot have very nice noses, or will soon lose them (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Conceit is vanity driven from all other shifts, and forced to appeal to itself for admiration (William Hazlitt Quotes)
A man who is determined never to move out of the beaten road cannot lose his way (William Hazlitt Quotes)
A person who talks with equal vivacity on every subject, excites no interest in any. Repose is as necessary in conversation as in a picture (William Hazlitt Quotes)
One is always more vexed at losing a game of any sort by a single hole or ace, than if one has never had a chance of winning it (William Hazlitt Quotes)
We imagine that the admiration of the works of celebrated men has become common, because the admiration of their names has become so (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Natural affection is a prejudice; for though we have cause to love our nearest connections better than others, we have no reason to think them better than others (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Liberty is the only true riches: of all the rest we are at once the masters and the slaves (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Of all virtues, magnanimity is the rarest. There are a hundred persons of merit for one who willingly acknowledges it in another (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The definition of genius is that it acts unconsciously, and those who have produced immortal works have done so without knowing how or why (William Hazlitt Quotes)
From the height from which the great look down on the world all the rest of mankind seem equal (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Pure good soon grows insipid, wants variety and spirit. Pain is a bittersweet, which never surfeits. Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indifference or disgust. Hatred alone is immortal (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Those who have had none of the cares of this life to harass and disturb them, have been obliged to have recourse to the hopes and fears of the next to vary the prospect before them (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Language, if it throws a veil over our ideas, adds a softness and refinement to them, like that which the atmosphere gives to naked objects (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Life is a continued struggle to be what we are not, and to do what we cannot (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The most rational cure after all for the inordinate fear of death is to set a just value on life (William Hazlitt Quotes)
As hypocrisy is said to be the highest compliment to virtue, the art of lying is the strongest acknowledgment of the force of truth (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The assumption of merit is easier, less embarrassing, and more effectual than the actual attainment of it (William Hazlitt Quotes)
We do not die wholly at our deaths: we have mouldered away gradually long before. Faculty after faculty, interest after interest, attachment after attachment disappear: we are torn from ourselves while living (William Hazlitt Quotes)
He who is as faithful to his principles as he is to himself is the true partisan (William Hazlitt Quotes)
We trifle with, make sport of, and despise those who are attached to us, and follow those that fly from us (William Hazlitt Quotes)
What is popular is not necessarily vulgar; and that which we try to rescue from fatal obscurity had in general much better remain where it is (William Hazlitt Quotes)