William Hazlitt Quotes

Text Quotes
But of all footmen the lowest class is literary footmen (William Hazlitt Quotes)
To a superior race of being the pretensions of mankind to extraordinary sanctity and virtue must seem... ridiculous (William Hazlitt Quotes)
There are many who talk on from ignorance rather than from knowledge, and who find the former an inexhaustible fund of conversation (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The rule for traveling abroad is to take our common sense with us, and leave our prejudices behind (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The severest critics are always those who have either never attempted, or who have failed in original composition (William Hazlitt Quotes)
As we grow old, our sense of the value of time becomes vivid. Nothing else, indeed, seems of any consequence (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Any one is to be pitied who has just sense enough to perceive his deficiencies (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Envy among other ingredients has a mixture of the love of justice in it. We are more angry at undeserved than at deserved good-fortune (William Hazlitt Quotes)
I’m not smart, but I like to observe. Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why (William Hazlitt Quotes)
If we wish to know the force of human genius, we should read Shakespeare. If we wish to see the insignificance of human learning, we may study his commentators (William Hazlitt Quotes)
That which is not, shall never be; that which is, shall never cease to be. To the wise, these truths are self-evident (William Hazlitt Quotes)
There is a feeling of Eternity in youth which makes us amends for everything. To be young is to be as one of the Immortals (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Gallantry to women - the sure road to their favor - is nothing but the appearance of extreme devotion to all their wants and wishes, a delight in their satisfaction, and a confidence in yourself as being able to contribute toward it (William Hazlitt Quotes)
First impressions are often the truest, as we find (not infrequently) to our cost, when we have been wheedled out of them by plausible professions or studied actions. A man’s look is the work of years; it is stamped on his countenance by the events of his whole life, nay, more, by the hand of nature, and it is not to be got rid of easily (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The truly proud man knows neither superiors or inferiors. The first he does not admit of - the last he does not concern himself about (William Hazlitt Quotes)
A King (as such) is not a great man. He has great power, but it is not his own (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Danger is a good teacher, and makes apt scholars. So are disgrace, defeat, exposure to immediate scorn and laughter. There is no opportunity in such cases for self-delusion, no idling time away, no being off your guard (or you must take the consequences) - neither is there any room for humour or caprice or prejudice (William Hazlitt Quotes)
I have known persons without a friend--never any one without some virtue. The virtues of the former conspired with their vices to make the whole world their enemies (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Love turns, with little indulgence, to indifference or disgust: hatred alone is immortal (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indifference or disgust hatred alone is inmortal (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Sincerity has to do with the connexion between our words and thoughts, and not between our beliefs and actions. (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Those who speak ill of the spiritual life, although they come and go by day, are like the smith’s bellows: they take breath but are not alive. (William Hazlitt Quotes)
We often choose a friend as we do a mistress - for no particular excellence in themselves, but merely from some circumstance that flatters our self-love. (William Hazlitt Quotes)
In art, in taste, in life, in speech, you decide from feeling, and not from reason ... If we were obliged to enter into a theoretical deliberation on every occasion before we act, life would be at a stand, and Art would be impracticable. (William Hazlitt Quotes)
The least pain in our little finger gives us more concern and uneasiness than the destruction of millions of our fellow-beings. (William Hazlitt Quotes)
It is not the errors of others, but our own miscalculations, on which we wreak our lasting vengeance. It is ourselves that we cannot forgive (William Hazlitt Quotes)
It is not fit that every man should travel; it makes a wise man better, and a fool worse (William Hazlitt Quotes)
It is better to drink of deep griefs than to taste shallow pleasures (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Our repugnance to death increases in proportion to our consciousness of having lived in vain (William Hazlitt Quotes)
Just as much as we see in others we have in ourselves (William Hazlitt Quotes)