William March Quotes

Text Quotes
... Man... Is a frail, lost creature, too weak to walk unaided (William March Quotes)
The unrecognized genius of our time (William March Quotes)
Everybody must seem crazy if you see deep enough into their minds (William March Quotes)
If the common soldiers of each army could just get together by a river bank and talk things over calmly, no war could possibly last as long as a week (William March Quotes)
I have never ceased to wonder at the thing we call human nature, with its times of beauty and its times of filthiness, or at the level of calm stupidity that lies in between the two (William March Quotes)
In the sight of my beloved, I am like iron that the smith has heated at his furnace: iron whose surface gives heat. I am a bar that is rigid and will not bend (William March Quotes)