William Mathews Quotes

Text Quotes
In the world a man lives in his own age; in solitude in all ages (William Mathews Quotes)
Proverbs should be sold in pairs, a single one being but a half truth (William Mathews Quotes)
What a man does is the real test of what a man is (William Mathews Quotes)
No man ever sailed over exactly the same route that another sailed over before him; every man who starts on the ocean of life arches his sails to an untried breeze (William Mathews Quotes)
As with the acquisition, so with the use of money; they way in which a man spends it is often one of the surest tests of character (William Mathews Quotes)
It cannot be too often repeated that it is not helps, but obstacles, not facilities, but difficulties that make men (William Mathews Quotes)
All maxims have their antagonist maxims; proverbs should be sold in pairs, a single one being but a half truth (William Mathews Quotes)
What lasting progress was ever made in social reformation, except when every step was insured by appeals to the understanding and the will? (William Mathews Quotes)
With the civilized man contentment is a myth. From the cradle to the grave he is forever longing and striving after something better, an indefinable something, some new object yet unattained (William Mathews Quotes)
Out of the same substances one stomach will extract nutriment, another poison; and so the same disappointments in life will chasten and refine one man’s spirit, and embitter another’s (William Mathews Quotes)
Talking, is a digestive process which is absolutely essential to the mental constitution of the man who devours many books (William Mathews Quotes)
God has so framed us as to make freedom of choice and action the very basis of all moral improvement, and all our faculties, mental and moral, resent and revolt against the idea of coercion (William Mathews Quotes)
What matters it that a soldier has a sword of dazzling finish, of the keenest edge, and finest temper, if he has never learned the art of fence (William Mathews Quotes)
As frost, raised to its utmost intensity, produces the sensation of fire, so any good quality, overwrought and pushed to excess, turns into its own contrary (William Mathews Quotes)
The petty cares, the minute anxieties, the infinite littles which go to make up the sum of human experience, like the invisible granules of powder, give the last and highest polish to a character (William Mathews Quotes)