William Penn Quotes

Text Quotes
Time is what we want most, but what we use worst (William Penn Quotes)
For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity (William Penn Quotes)
A man, like a watch, is to be valued for his manner of going (William Penn Quotes)
Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God (William Penn Quotes)
To be like Christ is to be a Christian (William Penn Quotes)
Perfect love casteth out fear (William Penn Quotes)
If men be good, government cannot be bad (William Penn Quotes)
Show is not substance; realities govern wise men (William Penn Quotes)
Be rather bountiful, than expensive (William Penn Quotes)
To be furious in religion is to be irreligiously religious (William Penn Quotes)
We need to stop arguing about Christ and start living like Christ (William Penn Quotes)
Nothing but a good life can fit men for a better one hereafter (William Penn Quotes)
Let the people think they govern and they will be governed (William Penn Quotes)
Avoid popularity; it has many snares, and no real benefit (William Penn Quotes)
Force may make hypocrites, but it can never make converts (William Penn Quotes)
Knowledge is the treasure of a wise man (William Penn Quotes)
Passion is the mob of the man, that commits a riot upon his reason (William Penn Quotes)
It were endless to dispute upon everything that is disputable (William Penn Quotes)
The public must and will be served (William Penn Quotes)
A man in business must put up many affronts if he loves his own quiet (William Penn Quotes)
To hazard much to get much has more of avarice than wisdom (William Penn Quotes)
Hasty resolutions are of the nature of vows, and to be equally avoided (William Penn Quotes)
For we put the power in the people (William Penn Quotes)
No man is fit to command another that cannot command himself (William Penn Quotes)
If thou wouldn’t conquer thy weakness thou must not gratify it (William Penn Quotes)
The truest end of life is to know the life that never ends (William Penn Quotes)
Less judgment than wit is more sail than ballast (William Penn Quotes)
Let us try what love will do (William Penn Quotes)
I know no religion that destroys courtesy, civility, and kindness (William Penn Quotes)
Let us see what love can do (William Penn Quotes)