William Ralph Inge Quotes
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The fruit of the tree of knowledge, always drives man from some paradise or other (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
No healthy civilization can ever be reared on a foundation of devitalized work (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Whoever marries the spirit of this age will find himself a widower in the next (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
We must cut our coat according to our cloth, and adapt ourselves to changing circumstances (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Boredom is a certain sign that we are allowing our faculties to rust in idleness (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Even the paradise of fools is not an unpleasant abode while it is inhabitable (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Nature takes away any faculty that is not used (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Originality, I fear, is too often only undetected and frequently unconscious plagiarism (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
A monarch frequently represents his subjects better that an elected assembly; and if he is a good judge of character he is likely to have more capable and loyal advisers (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Admiration for ourselves and our institutions is too often measured by our contempt and dislike for foreigners (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
The greatest obstacle to progress is not man’s inherited pugnacity, but his incorrigible tendency to parasitism (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
The right use of leisure is no doubt a harder problem than the right use of our working hours. The soul is dyed the color of its leisure thoughts (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
The jealous man is so preoccupied with what he hasn’t got that he fails to appreciate the value of what he has got. He loses the ability to feel glad because the sun is shining. He doesn’t see the wonder and the newness of the beginning of spring (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Our test is infallible. Whatever view of reality deepens our sense of the tremendous issues of life in the world wherein we move, is for us nearer the truth than any view which diminishes that sense (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
The world belongs to those who think and act with it, who keep a finger on its pulse (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
They who will live for others shall have great troubles, but they shall seem to them small. Those who will live for themselves shall have small troubles, but they shall seem to them great (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
In imperialism nothing fails like success. If the conqueror oppresses his subjects, they will become fanatical patriots, and sooner or later have their revenge; if he treats them well, and governs them for their good, they will multiply faster than their rulers, till they claim their independence (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
The great discovery of the nineteenth century, that we are of one blood with the lower animals, has created new ethical obligations which have not yet penetrated the public conscience. The clerical profession has been lamentably remiss in preaching this obvious duty (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
So the pendulum swings, now violently, now slowly; and every institution not only carries within it the seeds of its own dissolution, but prepares the way for its most hated rival (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
There are two kinds of fools: one says, this is old, therefore it is good; the other says, this is new, therefore it is better (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
A nation is a society united by a delusion about its ancestry and by a common hatred of its neighbours (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
A monarch frequently represents his subjects better than an elected assembly; and if he is a good judge of character he is likely to have more capable and loyal advisers (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
He who loves not his home and country which he has seen, how shall he love humanity in general which he has not seen? (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Democracy is only an experiment in government, and it has the obvious disadvantage of merely counting votes instead of weighing them (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Bereavement is the deepest initiation into the mysteries of human life, an initiation more searching and profound than even happy love (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Action is the normal completion of the act of will which begins as prayer. That action is not always external, but it is always some kind of effective energy (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
The wealth of a soul is measured by how much it can feel; its poverty by how little (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
To become a popular religion, it is only necessary for a superstition to enslave a philosophy (William Ralph Inge Quotes)
Theater is, of course, a reflection of life. Maybe we have to improve life before we can hope to improve theater (William Ralph Inge Quotes)