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William Shakespeare Quotes

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Friendship Quotes Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny Quotes Motivational Quotes Inspirational Quotes
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Past all shame, so past all truth  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Hang those that talk of fear  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Oh, flatter me; for love delights in praises  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Fruits that blossom first will first be ripe  (William Shakespeare Quotes) It is lost at dice, what ancient honor won  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Bounty, being free itself, thinks all others so  (William Shakespeare Quotes) We must be gentle now we are gentlemen  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Glory grows guilty of detested crimes  (William Shakespeare Quotes) How much an ill word may empoison liking!  (William Shakespeare Quotes) How lush and lusty the grass looks! how green!  (William Shakespeare Quotes) A plague of sighing and grief! It blows a man up like a bladder  (William Shakespeare Quotes) The earth, that is nature’s mother, is her tomb  (William Shakespeare Quotes) More can I bear than you dare execute  (William Shakespeare Quotes) I am wrapped in dismal thinking  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Kindness nobler ever than revenge  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Good reasons must of force give place to better  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Sin, that amends, is but patched with virtue  (William Shakespeare Quotes) England is safe, if true within itself  (William Shakespeare Quotes) The due of honor in no point omit  (William Shakespeare Quotes) There is no creature loves me;And if I die, no soul will pity me  (William Shakespeare Quotes) I am never merry when I hear sweet music  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Opinion crowns with an imperial voice  (William Shakespeare Quotes) If you spend word for word with me, I shall make your wit bankrupt  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Passion makes the will lord of the reason  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remembered!  (William Shakespeare Quotes) All surfeit is the father of much fast  (William Shakespeare Quotes) O villains, vipers, dogs, easily won to fawn on any man!  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Sin will pluck on sin  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Winding up days with toil and nights with sleep  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Wisely weigh our sorrow with our comfort  (William Shakespeare Quotes)
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