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William Shakespeare Quotes

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Death where is thy sting? Love, where is thy glory?  (William Shakespeare Quotes) I will be free, even to the uttermost, as I please, in words  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Suspicion shall be all stuck full of eyes  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Fie, fie, how frantically I square my talk!  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Tears harden lust, though marble wear with raining  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Weep not, sweet queen, for trickling tears are vain  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Piece out our imperfections with your thoughts  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Travelers must be content  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Travelers never did lie, though fools at home condemn them  (William Shakespeare Quotes) What, can the devil speak true?  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Use almost can change the stamp of nature  (William Shakespeare Quotes) One sin another doth provoke  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Virtue’s office never breaks men’s troth  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Tis no sin for a man to labor in his vocation  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Religious canons, civil laws, are cruel; then what should war be?  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Thou art an elm, my husband, I a vine  (William Shakespeare Quotes) A table full of welcome makes scarce one dainty dish  (William Shakespeare Quotes) The appurtenance of welcome is fashion and ceremony  (William Shakespeare Quotes) A good wit will make use of anything  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Two women placed together makes cold weather  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Good words are better than bad strokes  (William Shakespeare Quotes) God defend the right  (William Shakespeare Quotes) They that touch pitch will be defiled  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Good hay, sweet hay, hath no fellow  (William Shakespeare Quotes) All is well ended, if the suit be won  (William Shakespeare Quotes) The bitter past, more welcome is the sweet  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Some falls the means are happier to rise  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Wisely, I say, I am a bachelor  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Those that are good manners at the court are as ridiculous in the country, as the behavior of the country is most mockable at the court  (William Shakespeare Quotes) Two starving men cannot be twice as hungry as one; but two rascals can be ten times as vicious as one  (William Shakespeare Quotes)
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