Wind Quotes

Text Quotes
A million dollars sounds like a lot, I know. Especially when you’re young. But you can’t let money erode your principles or you’ll wind up with nothing (Wind Quotes)
Your breath upon the wind shall surely lodge within some breast. Ask not whose breast it is. See only that the breath itself be pure (Wind Quotes)
I am a citizen of the most beautiful nation on earth, a nation whose laws are harsh yet simple, a nation that never cheats, which is immense and without borders, where life is lived in the present. In this limitless nation, this nation of wind, light, and peace, there is no other ruler besides the sea (Wind Quotes)
The golfer has more enemies than any other athlete. He has fourteen clubs in his bag, all of them different; 18 holoes to play, all of them different, every week; and all around him is sand, trees, grass, water, wind and 143 other players. In addition, the game is 50 percent mental, so his biggest enemy is himself (Wind Quotes)
Sun on my shoulders and the wind at my back, bound and determined to get back on track to where the heart is.. where it’s been all along (Wind Quotes)
Vietnam should remind conservatives that whenever you put your faith in big government for any reason, sooner or later you wind up an apologist for mass murder (Wind Quotes)
If you listen to the wind very carefully, you’ll be able to hear me whisper my love for you (Wind Quotes)
When I’m in a zone, I don’t think about the shot or the wind or the distance or the gallery or anything; I just pull a club and swing (Wind Quotes)
Life is like a game of chess... there are many moves possible, but each move determines your next move... where you wind up is the sum total of all your past moves... but first you have to make some kind of move (Wind Quotes)
The fundamental idea of these pylons, or great archways, is based on a method of construction peculiar to me, of which the principle consists in giving to the edges of the pyramid a curve of such a nature that this pyramid shall be capable of resisting the force of the wind without necessitating the junction of the edges by diagonals as is usually done (Wind Quotes)
If a man does not know what port he is steering for, no wind is favorable to him (Wind Quotes)
... the limitations of my endurance were expanded over and over. At times I felt that if I did not sit down I would collapse. Then something would happen to attract my attention... miraculously, the distraction always provided wings, carrying new strength, a second wind (Wind Quotes)
Well, I think we ought to let him hang there. Let him twist slowly, slowly in the wind (Wind Quotes)
Even your pity is like a blast of wind and the words you speak would strip a tree of its blossoms (Wind Quotes)
I went to my doctor and asked for something for persistent wind. He gave me a kite (Wind Quotes)
Look upon yourself as a tree planted beside the water, which bears its fruit in due season; the more it is shaken by the wind, the deeper it strikes its roots into the ground (Wind Quotes)
Don’t be afraid of opposition. Remember, a kite rises against, not with, the wind (Wind Quotes)
The fact remains that, if the supply of energy failed, modern civilization would come to an end as abruptly as does the music of an organ deprived of wind (Wind Quotes)
I have learned to accept that, in the present moment at least, things are exactly as they are meant to be, and although I cannot control the future any more than I could control the wind and the weather, I can manage it and influence it in a positive way (Wind Quotes)
Waves are fascinating, the way they are created by wind far out at sea and groomed by different winds as they come closer to shore. We surfers ride the very last part of the wave’s life before it crashes and disappears, never to be seen again (Wind Quotes)
The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours (Wind Quotes)
The two most abundant forms of power on earth are solar and wind, and they’re getting cheaper and cheaper (Wind Quotes)
Rely on renewable energy flows that are always there whether we use them or not, such as, sun, wind and vegetation: on energy income, not depletable energy capital (Wind Quotes)
A cold wind blew on the prairie on the day the last buffalo fell. A death wind for my people (Wind Quotes)
There is a language older by far and deeper than words. It is the language of bodies, of body on body, wind on snow, rain on trees, wave on stone. It is the language of dream, gesture, symbol, memory. We have forgotten this language. We do not even remember that it exists (Wind Quotes)
Now is the time to be bold. It is easy when the wind is at your back. But the real test is now when the wind is in our face. That’s when we find out if we are tough enough. Inspired enough, committed enough (Wind Quotes)
Believing that the rustle in the grass is a dangerous predator when it is only the wind does not cost much, but believing that a dangerous predator is the wind may cost an animal its life (Wind Quotes)
Our nation is well equipped to make the transition. We have an abundance of natural resources like wind, natural gas, solar and geothermal (Wind Quotes)
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and we won’t replace fossil fuels with clean energy based on the events of a single week, either. But the important thing to remember is that, once they happen, clean energy victories are irreversible. No one will tear down wind farms because they are nostalgic for fracking in our watersheds. And nobody will pull down their solar panels because they miss having mercury in their tuna or asthma inhalers for their kids. Because once we leave fossil fuels behind, we are never going back (Wind Quotes)
Buy ammunition! Remember that a man cannot have too many books, too many wines, or too much ammunition. Our adversaries on the other side are reaching for the excuse of lead poisoning. If they can push that idea through, you may wind up still owning your guns but without anything to shoot in them (Wind Quotes)