Wine Quotes
Text Quotes
I used to drink a lot of lager when I was younger, but I’m more of a wine drinker now, I guess. I feel daunted looking at full pints (Wine Quotes)
Making a wish before uncorking a birthday bottle of wine is my version of blowing out the candles (Wine Quotes)
Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried with fewer tensions and more tolerance (Wine Quotes)
The bicycle riders drank much wine, and were burned and browned by the sun. They did not take the race seriously except among themselves (Wine Quotes)
It’s a smile, it’s a kiss, it’s a sip of wine... it’s summertime! (Wine Quotes)
Wine... offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than possibly any other purely sensory thing which may be purchased (Wine Quotes)
Comedy, I imagine, is harder to do consistently than tragedy, but I like it spiced in the wine of sadness (Wine Quotes)
If only my roommates were considerate enough to stain the couch with their own wine (Wine Quotes)
I know a great wine that pairs with you sitting and watching me get drunk (Wine Quotes)
I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine; he gets better with age. The next day, she locked me in the cellar (Wine Quotes)
Cop: Ma’am, what’s in the bottle? Me: Just some water. Cop: Ma’am that’s wine. Me: Jesus did it again!! (Wine Quotes)
Between my kids and my husband, I never seem to get any alone time with my glass of wine (Wine Quotes)
Never abandon an old friend. You’ll never find one who can take his place. Friendship is like wine; it gets better as it grows older (Wine Quotes)
I am an acquired taste, like a fine wine or a pate. If you are not sophisticated or worldly enough to appreciate my bold flavor, then you are welcome to choose something else from the menu (Wine Quotes)
Your knowledge of wine is almost as impressive as your use of it to disguise your alcoholism (Wine Quotes)
I prefer to do my holiday shopping online because stores won’t let you drink wine while you browse (Wine Quotes)
That’s what they do in Argentina. Have a little wine and talk. Then have some coffee and talk. Then, go back to the wine (Wine Quotes)
My fantasy is to have a restaurant where there are no written menus, but where you just ask people, What are you in the mood for? Fish? Meat? White wine? (Wine Quotes)
Wine to me is something that brings people together. Wine does promote conversation and promote civility, but it’s also fascinating. It’s the greatest subject to study. No matter how much you learn, every vintage is going to come at you with different factors that make you have to think again (Wine Quotes)
A timely, interesting, educational approach to today’s wine picture. Wine still makes a feast out of a meal, but in times of not so plenty we will enjoy a bottle that is more reasonable. This tome is a must-read for wine lovers as well as the trade (Wine Quotes)
My mother wanted me to go to church to meet women. That’s wrong, ain’t it? ‘Praise the Lord! Hey, how ya doing? Nice dress. Look, I’m going to go over there and get some of this wine and crackers, want some?’ (Wine Quotes)
I was, as the prophet said, hungering and thirsting for righteousness. I found it at the eternal and material core of Christianity: body, blood, bread, wine, poured out freely, shared by all (Wine Quotes)
Limbo is the place. In Limbo one has natural happiness without the beatific vision; no harps; no communal order; but wine and conversation and imperfect, various humanity. Limbo for the unbaptized, for the pious heathen, the sincere sceptic (Wine Quotes)
What is Jordan that I should wash in it? What is the preaching that I should attend on it, while I hear nothing but what I knew before? What are these beggarly elements of water, bread, and wine? Are not these the reasonings of a soul that forgets who appoints the means of grace? (Wine Quotes)
Never economize on the small luxuries of life. Drinking fine wine and eating chocolate won’t solve your problems - but they won’t hurt either (Wine Quotes)
Earlier this week Donald Trump gave an interview with CNN at a winery he owns in Virginia. It turns out Trump’s winery makes two different kinds of wine: white wine and not-white wine (Wine Quotes)
Some eschew wine for their religion; others just don’t cotton to it. A slew of Americans consider wine a fancy-schmancy treat for special occasions. They do not understand the concept of daily wine. It’s as though you insisted on confetti and a swing-band at every meal (Wine Quotes)
I can’t make wine simple. But I can make it fun and beautiful, instead of esoteric and intimidating. The minute you realize it’s OK to stumble along like the rest of us, asking questions and paying attention to your own reactions, then you’ll begin what I hope will be a lifelong love affair with wine (Wine Quotes)
Wine lovers all speak of their First Time, a quasi-spiritual moment of awakening to wine’s wonderment. After that, it’s a life sentence. I’ve seen it happen to even the most confirmed beer sluggers (Wine Quotes)
Wine is a sign of happiness, love and plenty, how many of our adolescents and young people sense that these are no longer found in their homes? How many women, sad and lonely, wonder when love left, when it slipped away from their lives? How many elderly people feel left out of family celebrations, cast aside and longing each day for a little love? (Wine Quotes)