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Winger Quotes

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I consider myself a right - winger and Gray was certainly one  (Winger Quotes) I was a right winger into the 70s but I left the right in late 70s  (Winger Quotes) If I had been a winger, I might have been daydreaming and thinking about how to keep my kit clean for next week  (Winger Quotes) I reject that. I would rather recruit a Racist left winger than a right winger  (Winger Quotes) Debra Winger doesn’t let anything interfere with her performance, which is the way it should be  (Winger Quotes) You see people on TV flying in to places just to pick up a baby, or brush some flies away. That’s great if they can bring that issue to public attention. But that’s not what I wanted to do. I was interested in committing to something that I could function in whether I was Debra Winger or not. Because nobody might care about that next week.  (Winger Quotes)