Winner Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s not the cards that you have all the time that makes you a winner or a loser (Winner Quotes)
Every winner needs to master three essential components of trading; a sound individual psychology, a logical trading system and good money management. These essentials are like three legs of a stool – remove one and the stool will fall, together with the person who sits on it (Winner Quotes)
You’ve got to realize that in any competition there is always a winner and loser. When it turns out that you’re the loser on a given day, you can be a graceful loser, but it doesn’t mean that you’re a loser in the sense that you’re willing to accept losses readily. Concede that on that day you weren’t the best and that you were beaten in competition. But that should make you more dedicated and hard working. It’s wrong to accept defeat as a loser. Be graceful about losing, but don’t accept it (Winner Quotes)
It is easier to win than to fail. Everybody sides with the winner. But the failure walks alone (Winner Quotes)
One thing, however, is certain. Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year’s presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the nation’s confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the rule of law (Winner Quotes)
In a war, no matter the outcome of a certain skirmish or battle, the winner is the party whose attitudes, behaviors and preoccupations come to dominate the postwar landscape. By this measure, the outcome of the gender wars, if wars they were, is clear: women won (Winner Quotes)
Sometimes people say that coach is a winner, but everyone wants to win. You must know how to behave in victory and in defeat, to look after what is our sport, football (Winner Quotes)
In every debate, whatever the format, whatever the questions, there is one and only one way to identify the winner: Who commands the room? Who drives the narrative? Who is in charge? (Winner Quotes)
I’d be a fool to surrender, when I know I can be a contender. And if everyone’s a contender, then everyone could be a winner (Winner Quotes)
Two is not a winner, and three nobody remembers. What does it take to be number one? (Winner Quotes)
He hears the silence howling catches angels as they fall, and the all time winner has got him by the fun (Winner Quotes)
I’m a pretty good winner. I’m a terrible loser. And I rub it in pretty good when I win (Winner Quotes)
Someone once told me I’m a sore winner, and they’re right. I rarely take more than a moment to enjoy a success before I’m moving on and looking for the next challenge (Winner Quotes)
I have never lost an election yet. I am a winner. Let’s just say that (Winner Quotes)
Very gifted people, they win and they win, and they are told that they win because they are a winner. That seems like a positive thing to tell children, but ultimately, what that means is when they lose, it must make them a loser (Winner Quotes)
In every disagreement in your marriage, remember that there is not a winner and a loser. You are partners in everything, so you will either win together or lose together. Always work together to find a solution (Winner Quotes)
Share your enthusiasm with the collector’s enthusiasm for the work, and discover things together. Be nice and appreciative and at the same time give them the hint that you’re a winner so they believe they’ve made a good investment. It’s simple common sense (Winner Quotes)
Both gangs have been bad sports, so see if at least one can’t redeem themselves by offering no alibis, but cooperate with the winner, for no matter which one it is the poor fellow is going to need it (Winner Quotes)
Nobody is born a winner, but anyone can develop the way of thought that guides you to the right direction (Winner Quotes)
We learn early on that, in order to be a winner, you have to believe in yourself. You have to have the confidence to make things happen. And you have to have personal pride (Winner Quotes)
You don’t feel like a winner and then do; you do like a winner and then feel (Winner Quotes)
My core philosophy on winning and motivation is summed up by saying that you were born to win, but in order to be the winner you were born to be, you have to plan to win and prepare to win before you can expect to win (Winner Quotes)
I’m a very competitive person. I always have been. And it’s hard to be competitive about something as amorphous as acting. But you can be competitive on the track, because the rules are very simple and the declaration of the winner is very concise (Winner Quotes)
I just paint to fulfill an urge. When I don’t have the urge, I just don’t paint. This is not some stupid contest. But if it is, I feel like the winner that came in last (Winner Quotes)
For every winner, there’s a loser. And that person didn’t really need to lose. They just didn’t understand the game plan (Winner Quotes)
Whoever controls the line of scrimmage and wins up front is going to be the winner (Winner Quotes)
The winner of this tournament doesn’t just win a major. He become a part of the history of the game (Winner Quotes)
If you think of thoughts of success and back them up with hard work, then you will be a winner. If you cherish doubts, negative thoughts, then you won’t be a winner at all (Winner Quotes)
From my point of view, which is the point of view of no illusions, there is only winning and losing. You might as well be a winner (Winner Quotes)
If you decide that you are a winner, and if you hold that image in your mind strongly enough, you will become a winner (Winner Quotes)