Winners Quotes

Text Quotes
Winners are men who have dedicated their whole lives to winning (Winners Quotes)
Quitters don’t win and winners don’t quit (Winners Quotes)
Winners take responsibility, losers blame others (Winners Quotes)
The ultimate winners are willing to take ultimate risks (Winners Quotes)
Winners aren’t perfect. They made fewer mistakes than their rivals (Winners Quotes)
I want winners. I want people that want to win (Winners Quotes)
Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit (Winners Quotes)
Winners aren’t popular, losers often are (Winners Quotes)
We all choke. Winners know how to handle choking better than losers (Winners Quotes)
Winners will be losers if they don’t support the losers (Winners Quotes)
Winners develop the habit of doing the thing losers don’t like to do (Winners Quotes)
History is written by winners (Winners Quotes)
Winners see an answer for every problem; losers see a problem in every answer! (Winners Quotes)
Winners win in life because they win the battle in their mind first! (Winners Quotes)
In the battle between the heart and the mind, winners always listen to their hearts (Winners Quotes)
Excuses are for losers, and winning is for winners, like you! (Winners Quotes)
Winners do what losers don’t want to do (Winners Quotes)
Winners hate losing more than changing while others hate changing more than losing (Winners Quotes)
I do think there will be winners and losers in the 21st century economy (Winners Quotes)
Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not (Winners Quotes)
After you pray, accept, adapt and move on,.. That’s what winners do (Winners Quotes)
Winners take the action that others won’t (Winners Quotes)
Winners have to absorb losses (Winners Quotes)
Winners quit all the time. They just quit the right stuff at the right time (Winners Quotes)
The environment that creates winners is almost always made up of winners (Winners Quotes)
Winners bring reality up to their vision. Losers bring their vision down to reality (Winners Quotes)
It only takes a handful of big winners to make a lifetime of investing worthwhile (Winners Quotes)
Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving (Winners Quotes)
Winners and losers aren’t born, they are the products of how they think (Winners Quotes)
Life is filled with difficult decisions, and winners are those who make them (Winners Quotes)