Wise Quotes

Text Quotes
A poet’s soul must contain the perfect shape of all things good, wise and just. His body must be spotless and without blemish, his life pure, his thoughts high, his studies intense (Wise Quotes)
Oppression makes wise men mad; but the distemper is still the madness of the wise, which is better than the sobriety of fools (Wise Quotes)
Fools and sensible men are equally innocuous. It is in the half fool and the half wise that the danger lies (Wise Quotes)
The God, o men, seems to me to be really wise; and by his oracle to mean this, that the wisdom of this world is foolishness and of none effect (Wise Quotes)
Time, the cradle of hope, but the grave of ambition, is the stern corrector of fools, but the salutary counselor of the wise, bringing all they dread to the one, and all they desire to the other (Wise Quotes)
Some men never spake a wise word, yet doe wisely; some on the other side doe never a wise deed, and yet speake wisely (Wise Quotes)
He who is wise puts aside all claims which may dissipate his attention, and confining himself to one branch excels in that (Wise Quotes)
Speak not at all, in any wise, till you have somewhat to speak; care not for the reward of your speaking, but simply and with undivided mind for the truth of your speaking (Wise Quotes)
Lose no time to contradict her, nor endeavor to convict her; only take this rule along, always to advise her wrong, and reprove her when she’s right; she may then grow wise for spite (Wise Quotes)
A just and wise magistrate is a blessing as extensive as the community to which he belongs; a blessing which includes all other blessings whatsoever that relate to this life (Wise Quotes)
It is little the sign of a wise or good man, to suffer temperance to be transgressed in order to purchase the repute of a generous entertainer (Wise Quotes)
A man who suddenly becomes generous may please fools, but he will not deceive the wise (Wise Quotes)
How wise are we in thought! How weak in practice! Our very virtue, like our will, is nothing (Wise Quotes)
Whether religion be true or false, it must be necessarily granted to be the only wise principle and safe hypothesis for a man to live and die by (Wise Quotes)
Wise men will apply their remedies to vices, not to names; to the causes of evil which are permanent, not the occasional organs by which they act, and the transitory modes in which they appear (Wise Quotes)
The heart of a wise man should resemble a mirror, which reflects every object without being sullied by any (Wise Quotes)
Wise laws and just restraints are to a noble nation not chains, but chains of mail, strength and defense, though something of an incumbrance (Wise Quotes)
Do proper homage to thine idol’s eyes; but no too humbly, or she will despise thee and thy suit, though told in moving tropes: Disguise even tenderness if thou art wise (Wise Quotes)
The esteem of wise and good men is the greatest of all temporal encouragements to virtue; and it is a mark of an abandoned spirit to have no regard to it (Wise Quotes)
A wise man, watching the stars pass across the sky, remarked: In the upper air the fireflies move more slowly (Wise Quotes)
A wise man likes that best, that is itself; not that which only seems, though it look fairer (Wise Quotes)
The love of fame is a passion natural and universal, which no man, however high or mean, however wise or ignorant, was yet able to despise (Wise Quotes)
These are the signs of a wise man: to reprove nobody, to praise nobody, to blame nobody, nor even to speak of himself or his own merits (Wise Quotes)
Very few men are wise by their own counsel, or learned by their own teaching; for he that was only taught by himself had a fool to his master (Wise Quotes)
The art of declamation has been sinking in value from the moment that speakers were foolish enough to publish, and hearers wise enough to read (Wise Quotes)
A wise minister would rather preserve peace than gain a victory, because he knows that even the most successful war leaves nations generally more poor, always more profligate, than it found them (Wise Quotes)
In seeking wisdom then art wise; in imagining that thou hast attained it, thou art a fool (Wise Quotes)
To some purpose is that man wise who gains his wisdom at another’s expense (Wise Quotes)
Wise men mingle mirth with their cares, as a help either to forget or overcome them; but to resort to intoxication for the ease of one’s mind is to cure melancholy by madness (Wise Quotes)
Fortune, to show us her power in all things, and to abate our presumption, seeing she could not make fools wise, has made them fortunate (Wise Quotes)