Wise Quotes

Text Quotes
Spiritual healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being - the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core. (Wise Quotes)
The world I believe is far too serious, and being far too serious ... it has need of a wise and merry philosophy. (Wise Quotes)
Being Wise and Being Smart are two different things anyone can be smart but those who master the art of knowing what to overlook in this journey called life deserves to be called Wise (Wise Quotes)
It’s time to stop being vague. If you wish to be an extraordinary person, if you wish to be wise, then you should explicitly identify the kind of person you aspire to become. (Wise Quotes)
A sense of our own folly is a great step towards being wise, when it leads us to rely on the wisdom of the Lord. (Wise Quotes)
Those who are wise won’t be busy, and those who are too busy can’t be wise (Wise Quotes)
It’s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and say the opposite. (Wise Quotes)
There’s a big difference on being wise and being crafty. The former is the attribute of God, and the latter is that of Satan. (Wise Quotes)
The world is neither wise nor just, but it makes up for all its folly and injustice by being damnably sentimental. (Wise Quotes)
Being wise doth either make men our friends or discourage them from being our enemies (Wise Quotes)
Inner Knowledge -- You want to become wise in one lesson: First become a real human being (Wise Quotes)
Being a senior doesn’t automatically make one wise but the wise and foolish alike have things to teach us. (Wise Quotes)
There’s no greater sign of being a poor philosopher and wise man than wanting all of life to be wise and philosophical. (Wise Quotes)
Thus, statesmanlike, I’ll saucily impose, And safe from action, valiantly advise; Sheltered in impotence, urge you to blows, And being good for nothing else, be wise. (Wise Quotes)
A wise man once said that any human being is capable of infinite achievement, so long as it’s not the work they’re supposed to be doing. (Wise Quotes)
She thought that after what she had been through during the invasion she would stop being petty and grow up, grow wise and strong, but she had overestimated herself (Wise Quotes)
It is safe to look within. As I move through the layers of other people’s opinions and beliefs, I see within myself a magnificent being, wise and beautiful. I love what I see in me. (Wise Quotes)
I think sometimes, despite our good intentions and wise choices, something’s are up to fate and we learn to play our part the best we can. (Wise Quotes)
Every aspect of your personality, if you’re wise, you’re able to separate each one of them and put them to use at the best time for the best position. (Wise Quotes)
Best players I played with? Striker wise, well, I had a great record with Emile Heskey - he would be one of my favourite partnerships because we were so different and worked together so well. (Wise Quotes)
Early to bed and early to risemakes a year healthy wealthy and wise. to get better future wish U Happy New Year !!! (Wise Quotes)
Our target market is recreational bettors, but that doesn’t mean we expel the wise guys. A big bet for us is maybe $10,000. (Wise Quotes)
Big heart, wide as a watermelon, but wise as birth, there is so much abundance in the people I have.... (Wise Quotes)
We need to have complete certainty that things will work out, not because we are righteous or wise, but because of the time, the effort, the prayers, and the tools we are using. From the moment we are given awareness about some bigger picture or mission, we have to have complete focus on what to do to get to that place. (Wise Quotes)
Is it possible Hanukkah doesn’t inspire folksy songs? Plot lines may be a part. The Christmas story has a lot of material to work with. There’s Jesus and his birth, the wise men, their gifts and tons of frankincense. (Wise Quotes)
A picture of me as this super affable sales guy gets painted, but in actuality, I’m pretty driven by hard work and love working with teams. What people discount is, I grew up in a very small blue-collar town in Massachusetts and have basically scrapped my way career wise. (Wise Quotes)
Speech within the kingdom of Amazonia - run by its sovereign Jeff Bezos and his board of directors with help from the wise counsel and judgment of the company’s executives - is not protected in the same way that speech is constitutionally protected in America’s public spaces. (Wise Quotes)
The cunning waste their pains;The wise men vex their brains;But the simpleton, who seeks no gains,With belly full, he wanders freeAs drifting boat upon the sea. (Wise Quotes)
Men may be born free; they cannot be born wise; and it is the duty of the university to make the free wise. (Wise Quotes)
When a man is going to try and borrow money, it is wise to look prosperous (Wise Quotes)