Wise Quotes

Text Quotes
Don’t follow any advice, no matter how good, until you feel as deeply in your spirit as you think in your mind that the counsel is wise. (Wise Quotes)
A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left. (Wise Quotes)
A foolish man thinks he knows everything. A wise man knows he doesn’t. (Wise Quotes)
A spoon cannot taste of the food it carries. Likewise, a foolish man cannot understand the wise man´s wisdom even if he associates with a sage. (Wise Quotes)
I will love to be called a foolish man of peace, than to be named a wise man of war. Show me your weapons of war and I will show you my Bible of peace! (Wise Quotes)
The foolish man conceives the idea of ‘self.’ The wise man sees there is no ground on which to build the idea of ‘self;’ thus, he has a right conception of the world and well concludes that all compounds amassed by sorrow will be dissolved again, but the truth will remain. (Wise Quotes)
A wise man can say a foolish thing at any time, anywhere, and to anybody (Wise Quotes)
At the gates of the forest, the surprised man of the world is forced to leave his city estimates of great and small, wise and foolish. (Wise Quotes)
It were as wise to cast a violet into a crucible that you might discover the formal principle of its color and odor, as seek to transfuse from one language into another the creations of a poet (Wise Quotes)
Four things support the world: the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the good, and the valor of the brave (Wise Quotes)
You have never seen greatness in a Presidency; I have. It was a rich kid who you would think had every reason to be a horse’s ass - Franklin Roosevelt. He was humane and wise and resourceful. He was called a traitor to his class. (Wise Quotes)
Free love, man, Free Love! Which, by the way, was the single greatest concept a young man has ever heard. About three years late, women got wise an my frustration returned to normal levels. (Wise Quotes)
A person is not learned nor wise because he talks much; the person who is patient, free from hatred and fear, that person is called learned and wise. (Wise Quotes)
Only the wise know just where predestination ends and free will begins. Meanwhile, you must keep on doing your best, according to your own clearest understanding. you must long for freedom as the drowning man longs for air. Without sincere longing, you will never find God. (Wise Quotes)
We need books...because we are all, in the private kingdoms of our hearts, desperate for the company of a wise, true friend. (Wise Quotes)
The sexes were made for each other, and only in the wise and loving union of the two is the fullness of health and duty and happiness to be expected. (Wise Quotes)
The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn’t for any religious reasons. They couldn’t find three wise men and a virgin. (Wise Quotes)
It is not fit that every man should travel; it makes a wise man better, and a fool worse (Wise Quotes)
It’s so funny that people specify that year because in a way it was the biggest battle for me health wise. (Wise Quotes)
As human beings in general ... I don’t think we’ve grown that much. Technology wise, we are getting too intelligent for our own good. (Wise Quotes)
A wise girl kisses but doesn’t love, listens but doesn’t believe, and leaves before she is left. (Wise Quotes)
The best counsel for us to give young people is that they can arrive back to Heavenly Father only as they are guided and corrected by the Spirit of God. So if we are wise, we will encourage, praise, and exemplify everything which invites the companionship of the Holy Ghost. (Wise Quotes)
If the wise erred not, it would goe hard with fooles. [If the wise erred not, it would go hard with fools.] (Wise Quotes)
Really, I’m never much of a goal-setter. Whenever I’ve tried to make big, solid plans, they don’t happen. I’m more into whatever the circumstances are that present themselves, making wise decisions around that. (Wise Quotes)
A wise God shrouds the future in obscure darkness. [Lat., Prudens futuri temporis exitum Caliginosa nocte premit deus.] (Wise Quotes)
A person God himself deems as wise is one who not only hears His voice, but immediately begins to act upon His instruction. (Wise Quotes)
The wise men posit questions to which they may not always find immediate answers, but through their reflections God stimulates man in his search for truth - which in the last analysis is a search for God himself. (Wise Quotes)
God bless our good and gracious King,Whose promise none relies on;Who never said a foolish thing,Nor ever did a wise one. (Wise Quotes)
It would be a good thing if young people were wise and old people were strong, but God has arranged things better. (Wise Quotes)
God saw fit, for wise reasons to allow the people of Israel thus to make and possess slaves; but is this any license to us to enslave any of our fellow-men, to kill any of our fellow-men whom we please and are able to destroy, and take possession of their estates? (Wise Quotes)