Wiser Quotes

Text Quotes
If we are to have faith that mankind will survive and thrive on the face of the earth, we must believe that each succeeding generation will be wiser than its progenitors. We transmit to you, the next generation, the total sum of our knowledge. Yours is the responsibility to use it, add to it, and transmit it to your children (Wiser Quotes)
He that never changes his opinions, never corrects his mistakes, will never be wiser on the morrow than he is today (Wiser Quotes)
No research will answer all queries that the future may raise. It is wiser to praise the work for what it has accomplished and then to formulate the problems still to be solved (Wiser Quotes)
I have ever been prone to seek adventure and to investigate and experiment where wiser men would have left well enough alone (Wiser Quotes)
Struggles make you stronger and the changes make you wiser and happiness has its own way of taking its sweet time. Life isn’t always lovely, but it’s a beautiful ride (Wiser Quotes)
Remember you are a different person now than before, you are wiser and stronger for the trials that you have been through (Wiser Quotes)
You will fall many times in life, but you will pick yourself up and become stronger and wiser for each trouble you pass (Wiser Quotes)
All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than the animals that know nothing. A day will come when science will turn upon its error and no longer hesitate to shorten our woes. A day will come when it will dare and act with certainty; when life, grown wiser, will depart silently at its hour, knowing that it has reached its term (Wiser Quotes)
The rich man can afford to be happy and wise; the poor man is wiser still, for he understands sadness (Wiser Quotes)
Then very slowly I go to slightly lighter colors until little by little, the forms begin to take shape and I start to see what is happening. Since I never plan in advance, I simply let myself be led by instinct, taste and intuition. And it is in this manner that I find myself creating visions that I have never before imagined. And little by little certain color effects develop that excite me and I find the painting itself leading me on and I become only an instrument of a greater, wiser force... or being... or intelligence than I myself am (Wiser Quotes)
It is far wiser to ask for a question than an answer. When you think you have all the answers, it simply means you have run out of questions (Wiser Quotes)
Providence is wiser than you, and you may be confident it has suited all things better to your eternal good than you could do had you been left to your own option (Wiser Quotes)
To pronounce something clever and honest is not such a big deal, lots of them have been said and written. For a statement of truth to be effective and for it to make people wiser, it has to be filtered through the soul of a highest quality, the soul of an artist (Wiser Quotes)
It’s the presence of others who are smarter, kinder, wiser, and different from you that enables you to evolve. Those are the people to surround yourself with at all times (Wiser Quotes)
Emerging at the other end, we will not be the same as we were; we will have become more humble, more connected to the natural world, fitter, leaner, more skilled and, ultimately, wiser (Wiser Quotes)
I love being alive and I will be the best man I possibly can. I will take love wherever I find it and offer it to everyone who will take it... seek knowledge from those wiser and teach those who wish to learn from me (Wiser Quotes)
In my vast experience, I’ve found it always wiser to go along with female advice... First, you make them happy by doing what they tell you. That’s the main thing. Let them think they’re in control. They love it. Then, if it turns out they were right, everything’s cool. If it turns out they were wrong... then you have the pleasure of basking in the glow of superiority (Wiser Quotes)
Running in the morning has me appreciate all the choices that come later in the day. The choices I make after running seem healthier, wiser and kinder (Wiser Quotes)
There should be no shame in admitting to a mistake; after all, we really are only admitting that we are now wiser than we once were (Wiser Quotes)
To speak about this universal force that will lead us beyond on the last horizon of our known self toward a wiser, more loving, more luminous states of being, we do not need to invent a new language. But we do need to listen to the old, the ancient one, not with our jaded minds, but with our awakened souls (Wiser Quotes)
It is too often seen, that the wiser men are about the things of this world, the less wise they are about the things of the next (Wiser Quotes)
I always wish I’d had more mentors, better mentors, wiser mentors, people who were proper professional working musicians to guide me as I was coming up (Wiser Quotes)
Contrary to popular belief. It’s much wiser to take money from the poor than the rich (Wiser Quotes)
You get to be wiser by storying the world and seeing it through other forms of consciousness than your own (Wiser Quotes)
I wish I had been wiser. I wish I had been more effective, I wish I’d been more unifying, I wish I’d been more principled (Wiser Quotes)
I feel like I came through this year stronger and wiser, and I can go into 2015 in a much better place (Wiser Quotes)
The police can’t protect consumers. People need to be more aware and educated about identity theft. You need to be a little bit wiser, a little bit smarter and there’s nothing wrong with being skeptical. We live in a time when if you make it easy for someone to steal from you, someone will (Wiser Quotes)
Wisdom is something that seeks itself. The wiser you become the more you’d like to know (Wiser Quotes)
The immortal silence is there always waiting for you and that spirit is deathless and courageous. Remember, many have trod the path that you are walking on and they succeeded. They were no better than you, no wiser (Wiser Quotes)
If you meditate your mind will become razor sharp. Your memory and retention will be superb. New talents and abilities will begin to unfold. You will become younger each day, yet wiser (Wiser Quotes)